Get Motivated!

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Welcome to /r/GetMotivated! We're glad you made it. This is the subreddit that will help you finally get up and do what you know you need to do....

founded 2 years ago
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The original was posted on /r/getmotivated by /u/Butterflies_Books on 2024-01-20 13:01:56+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/getmotivated by /u/Diligent_Eye1248 on 2024-01-20 11:13:45+00:00.


Which productive email newsletters are you subscribed to? I am looking for newsletters concerning self-improvement, productivity, healthy impulses for non-productive times and thought provoking stuff.

I already receive James Clear's newsletter (Atomic Habbits) and David to Goliath Inspirational newsletter, but I would be happy to have more.

Thanks in advance for your answers!

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The original was posted on /r/getmotivated by /u/sleeplessbearr on 2024-01-20 04:26:02+00:00.

How do I fix my situation. Been applying for jobs for 6 months and nothing. I'm depressed most days and running off savings. Diploma in HR but no experience. Can't get a job and I'm shit at HR anyways. WTF do I do. Money isnt worth shit anyways but we all need it to survive. Everything is so expensive anyways and if I get a job I feel like I'll still be poor. I do need it though. How do I fix this ... Work at mcdonalds I guess ? I did for 3 months when I was 16

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The original was posted on /r/getmotivated by /u/MJdigi_Mark on 2024-01-21 23:19:35+00:00.

The Secret to Getting What You Want Is Helping Others Get What They Want.

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The original was posted on /r/getmotivated by /u/bojinov1994 on 2024-01-21 21:29:32+00:00.

I'm 29 years old. From the UK. Please read my full post rather than just the title before commenting please. Thanks in advance!

People often recommend travelling to young people to learn about themself or to do it whilst young and in good health - often hearing "travel while young and in good shape" or "travel before you have kids". I think I know myself very well and my goals and what I want in life.

I also prioritise my health so I'd imagine as I get older I'll still be in great shape to travel too.

Lastly I'm single so I can't imagine I'll have kids anytime soon.

So I think to myself... what would I actually get out of travelling? Especially as it can be financially very expensive.

Obviously if I were going somewhere truly magical, ie a once in a lifetime destination, then that's different.

I don't know if BC meets that description?

I'll be there visiting a friend so I'd have free accommodation.

I'll be going in the summer.

For those that have been, how special was it? I prioritise my health and fitness so like to travel to places where I can continue to be healthy and ideally even improve and optimise it further.

I'm fortunate to have done a lot of travelling previously so not sure if the trip will add much to my life or develop me etc or just be an expensive trip that'll distract me from my financial goals?

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The original was posted on /r/getmotivated by /u/Foxfully on 2024-01-21 21:09:45+00:00.


This has been week 3 of my 52 week-long attempt to document my progress, in order to be more conscientious with how I’m living my year.

The good:

  • This week I learned about the proper order to perform a skin care routine. I've always taken care of my skin in some capacity, but there's a lot I don't know about the subject. I still need to figure out my staple products, but for now I added a sunscreen with good reviews to my routine. Even though I don't spend a lot of time in the sun, I've been convinced it's something one should apply every day.
  • I lifted weights three times this week. I'm definitely a beginner, but for now I'm just trying to have a good mixture of exercise types (mostly compound lifts) and make sure I don't injure myself. Not sure if I'll stick to three times a week or aim for five times a week with more specific muscle groups for each day. Right now I lift in the afternoon and it's a nice break from sitting at the computer.
  • The semester started this week and I studied every day, even on the weekend, mostly out of stress and fear haha.

Additional thoughts: I made a bit of a revelation this week.

I struggle with anxiety, and it's directly triggered by stressful thoughts and situations. It's a physical sensation of struggling to breathe and focus, and is extra destructive when it carries over into sleeping hours.

But I realized that if I "sandwich" my day so that I do something enjoyable in the morning (when the "oh shit I have so much to do today and soon I'll be so overwhelmed" thoughts kick in) and at night before bed (when the "I still have so much to do, why do I even try, nothing's ever gonna get better" thoughts kick in), I feel a lot better.

It sounds so silly but just watching something funny in the morning while eating breakfast, or chatting and laughing with friends before bed, makes me think and feel less negative. So even if my day was terrible and stressful, it's book-ended by points of enjoyment that make me forget about it a little. Just thought I'd share if someone out there relates.

The bad:

  • I didn't meditate at all this week. It became a vicious cycle of going to sleep too late, waking up later and doing my cardio later in the day and just completely forgetting about meditating after. Also I think it's because it's 1. difficult to do well 2. unclear benefits (at least at first) I'm less motivated to do it. This week I will try with five minutes a day again.
  • I barely worked on any creative projects. Because of college and the workload before me I'm only just now starting to grasp, I feel depressed about possibly having to rule them out of my life just to have time/energy for school and other necessities.
  • As mentioned above, I didn't really take care of my sleep this week. This was due to hanging out with friends until late into the night. It's hard to stick to your guns when you just feel like having fun, but I find it's not worth the lethargy. I have no choice but to be more disciplined about this.


It's too personal and long of a story to tell but basically I'm in a bit of a precarious situation when it comes to my school/living situation right now. It's eating up my time and mental space and I'm not sure how to figure it out yet. I don't want to give up on my creative projects so soon but for now I have to prioritize.

Regardless, I won't make it any easier for me if I don't continue taking care of my health and responsibilities. I already know all the things I need to do to optimize, I just need the energy and discipline to pull through. Easier said than done, I know.

Today I will start by putting away my phone at night.

Not only is it a time sink and bad for your melatonin release, but I've been looking into delayed gratification, and having your phone around in the morning is a surefire way to ruin any chance of starting your day with a low dopaminergic baseline. I'm no expert, but the idea is that you'll feel more motivated to complete hard tasks if your brain is still looking for it's fill when you sit down to work. I'll have to wait and see how that plays out, but it's worth a shot.

I have a lot of thinking and deciding to do this upcoming week, but I still want to strive for each week being an improvement over the last. So far I'm doing a lot better than last year's feeble attempts.

And so, with a sober but hopeful heart, I wish you a fruitful week. Until then!

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The original was posted on /r/getmotivated by /u/EndOfTheLine00 on 2024-01-21 13:07:12+00:00.

I have no friends, no interesting hobbies, everything looks hopeless and I can't even clean my house. My family calls me every day to ask about chores and I just straight up lie to them. No one seems to care about who I am as a person except for Internet friends. I do horribly at work due to procrastination issues and am constantly worried about being fired in the worst tech market in decades. The world seems to be spinning out of control and will only get worse. I have tried 5 different therapists and none worked. Help.

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The original was posted on /r/getmotivated by /u/Massive-Syllabub-458 on 2024-01-21 13:01:54+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/getmotivated by /u/spiderinweb on 2024-01-21 12:54:35+00:00.

I’m not sure who needs to hear this, but I’m writing this message as a reminder to myself who often needs to hear it. I thought I’d share it just in case someone else may benefit from hearing it:

learn to accept all these things take time and be happy for every little thing you get done...

Celebrate every small task you accomplish

In the past, I used to blame myself at the end of the day, regardless of how much work I had accomplished, because I always felt that it was not good enough. But now I have realized that any progress I make towards my goals, no matter how small, is a victory. Even if I only do 10 minutes of work, I consider it an accomplishment.

I have learned to ask myself this question: Would I rather feel satisfied with the 10 minutes of work completed or guilty the entire day for not doing anything? The answer is obvious.

I have come to appreciate every victory, no matter how big or small, and this has motivated me to keep moving forward. Being grateful for progress, even the tiniest bit of it is the key to achieving long-term success.

Start with the Modified-Pomodoro Technique

This was the biggest game-changer for me. I used to try to plow through all of my tasks in one sitting, and of course, it didn’t end well for me.

Once I started breaking my tasks into smaller, 45-50-minute sub-tasks, my discipline skyrocketed because it was so much easier to stay on task without getting overwhelmed.

I was surprised by how much work I could get done in 30-40 minutes. It was almost like a “cheat code” to completing projects because there was so much less pressure to start the next 45-50-minute task.

For this to work, I make sure to take a quick 15-20 min break in between each task because it is just enough time to get some water, go for a quick walk, and then get back into the game.

A word of caution, use this 15-20 min to use something that takes away your energy, not something that makes you consume. ex: don’t watch YouTube videos, funny clips, social media, etc instead do things like washing your bike, watering the plants, cleaning the room, and other things that absorb your energy.

Leave all or nothing and focus on gradual improvement

I wanted to work on my side project this month. My goal was to work on it for several hours each day. However, I found it difficult to actually get to it because I had raised the stakes very much. It seemed like too much of a chore. I noticed that I was putting it off.

Then, I changed my strategy to only work on it for 45 minutes. That made it easier to start. What I did was cut a huge project into bite-sized chunks that are easier to digest at a time, and less menacing. I pulled it off.

45 minutes seems like nothing. But I have been working on my project for four days in a row now. All small bits add up and a habit will get established. Each time it will require less willpower to pull through.

I have started to be more honest with myself about how much I can accomplish in a day. This has helped me to reduce my fear and anxiety because I now know that I don't have to complete everything in one day. I can spread out my tasks throughout the week, as long as they are completed before their deadlines.

However, this habit is still a work in progress for me. I am still not perfect at it and I probably never will be. But that's okay! The important thing is that I am making progress towards becoming the best possible version of myself. After all, that's what we're all striving for, isn't it?

If you enjoyed this, maybe I can tempt you with a self-improvement newsletter. I write a weekly email full of practical tips like this :)

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The original was posted on /r/getmotivated by /u/bringmeturtles on 2024-01-21 05:41:50+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/getmotivated by /u/maxwesener on 2024-01-21 00:48:59+00:00.

Until recently, I used to run into the same roadblock pretty much every month:

After a while of getting a lot of stuff done, I always started to lose momentum.

I'd get distracted faster and clock in fewer hours of work every day. And it would make me mad.

Few things are more infuriating than knowing what to do, wanting to do it, but not being able to.

And the more I pushed, the worse it got.

The pressure I created in my head would put out the flame of inspiration and extinguish my creativity.

But one day I tried something new and conducted the following experiment:

I set the intention to push a lot harder for 2 days and go ALL OUT.

If that made the situation better, then I'd know that the problem was that I didn't try hard enough before.

And if it made the situation worse, I'd know that I needed a break.

The results?

9/10 times it made me even less productive.

And when I then took some time off and focused on recovery, I was back at 100% within 1-3 days.

But it was crucial to not only not work - but NOT think about work. Taking my mind off my business entirely.

The problem isn't always that you're a little bitch. The content that seems to perform best on social media and YouTube will always tell you that you're not trying hard enough and need to step up your game.

Who's going to carry the boats?

But honestly, you'll reach a point where this just isn't helpful anymore.

I too had to learn the lesson that trying to push harder isn't the end-all be-all.

People like David Goggins, Tate, Joko Willink, and the like can make it seem as if you're NOT on the right path.

But for many people that won't be true.

Chances are that you're already on the right path and have to be more patient.

Thinking that you can turn your entire life around, change your identity, replace your habits, break old beliefs, and build a successful business within a few months is delusion.

Yes, the whole idea of "back in the days men had to go to war and go through extreme difficulty" holds a lot of truth. I'm not telling you to go easy on yourself or become lazy.

Instead, I want to invite you to approach your performance like a scientist: conduct experiments.

If you're stuck, try to increase the heat and pressure. Go all-out and see what happens.

Maybe it's what you needed. Good.

And maybe it will show you that what you actually need is a fucking break and to detach for 2 days. Go on a short trip and spend a lot of time in nature, not thinking about work. Away from screens.

Chances are that this will get you unstuck.

Not being humble enough to take a day off cost me A LOT of time and progress. I hope with this piece you're learning this lesson quicker than me.

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The original was posted on /r/getmotivated by /u/NoExplanationjustcat on 2024-01-20 22:28:52+00:00.

I have a whole bunch of things I want to accomplish in the next Month. I've been working on a lot of them for the last several months, but fell off the wagon these last few weeks.

I'm looking for people who want to improve their lives in multiple ways and also have an accountabilibuddy. I have a lot of personal goals that I want to accomplish and things I want to start making a habit.

I want to start a little group where we can give "rewards"* for completion and/or "punishments"* for incompletion, but really check in every few days to make sure everyone is keeping on track. Everyone writes up their own rules for themselves and shares it with the group.

I am starting my "month" on Tuesday just because I'm traveling right now.

*Words of encouragement, online stickers and titles to display if you've accomplished something or not, mostly harmless things people will be okay with, but also open to more suggestions on what this might look like.

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The original was posted on /r/getmotivated by /u/K_serious on 2024-01-20 20:28:29+00:00.

Hey everyone! 👋 I really want to get motivated these days so I've been reflecting a lot lately on the different pieces of advice I've received over the years. Some have been life-changing, while others have been simple yet profound. It got me curious about the experiences of others in this community. I really want to become better and I would love to know what's the best piece of advice you've ever received? It could be something that changed your perspective, helped you through tough times, or just something that sticks with you for its simplicity and truth. Looking forward to hearing your stories and learning from them!

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The original was posted on /r/getmotivated by /u/MJdigi_Mark on 2024-01-20 19:21:49+00:00.

Everyone has a different clock, wait for your time.

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The original was posted on /r/getmotivated by /u/Worth_Standard_7878 on 2024-01-19 15:45:56+00:00.

Procastinaton/Inaction is hell,ruining my life.

Its been 9-10 years ,I have been struggling procastinaton.Whole day ,I was told my same story that "later ' I will do it..I tried many techniques which are available on internet ,but failed.

My career gradually gone ,I was very smart around my friends but still Iam unable to procastinaton and addiction loop. To get rid from this,last method I applied is called "Sprituality ",when I get enlightenment ,then everything okay; even if I progress on this ,but still feel frustrated and unsocial.

Day by day ,I feel depressed and tell myself ' Am I going to suicide ?

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The original was posted on /r/getmotivated by /u/DzRythen on 2024-01-19 14:57:18+00:00.

I am trans and growing up I hated myself for that fact. I felt there was something wrong with me, that I was broken. I feared the world would hate me for who I was. I tried everything I could to deny who I really was, it nearly cost me my life.

But now I have embraced myself and who I am, I love myself and my life. Speaking those three simple words for the first time was by far the hardest thing I have ever done, but I did it. It was difficult, arduous work getting here, but it was so so worth it.

If you have a dream, or an identity, that people around you say you're wrong or foolish for having don't listen to them. Embrace yourself, your beautiful just the way you are. You only have one life, don't let this world get in the way of living it. True happiness is only achieved who you stop denying who you are, love and be true to yourself.

Love you all,


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The original was posted on /r/getmotivated by /u/coolsunsettia on 2024-01-19 14:36:37+00:00.

Original Title: [Discussion] I know what I have to do to improve my life but my mental health and personal demons prevent me from taking consistent the hell do you get motivated when your mind is all over the place?

Therapy is not an option for me currently.. I waste days upon days when I'm in a mental funk and it feels absolutely impossible to get anything done. How do I regulate my emotions/mental wellbeing? I find that I dwell a lot and one negative thought can send me into a spiral and I end up wasting the whole day

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The original was posted on /r/getmotivated by /u/Butterflies_Books on 2024-01-19 13:21:00+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/getmotivated by /u/geniusstardust on 2024-01-19 12:58:47+00:00.

Does anyone here suffering from pmdd, maladaptive daydreaming and have no mental clarity at certain phase of cycle?

I posted my pmdd related issues in pmdd sub, not allowed to share link under this subreddit. So I am copying that post here :

My cycles are of 28 days (+/- 1 or 2 days sometimes). I divide my cycle into 4 weeks, period week, follicular week, ovulation week and luteal week.

I only get to live my follicular week sanely, with mental clearity and focus I want and need to go ahead in my life.

Ovulation week is hell. I feel super horney, I dissociate and do lot of maladaptive daydreaming, Preoccupied with thoughts of my crush, imagine wild and spicy scenarios with him, watch porn and masturbate, not able to focus on studies, not able to sleep on time, up for late nights and doing nothing productive. My mind is a mess and have bad brain fog.

Luteal week is almost similar to ovulation week but less intense than ovulation week + constipation, bloating and difficulties in falling asleep.

In menstrual week, I bleed for 5 days and first 3 days are good, doing good. But from 4th day of bleeding to last day of menstrual week I experience wilderness again. I become horney, contaied with thoughts of my crush, dissociate, watch porn and masturbate, do not able to study.

I consulted a psychiatrist and he put me on fluox but god I became overweight and emotionally numb. So I withdraw it. I can't take contraceptive/ external hormones because my body doesn't react favorably to them. I am scared of medicines because of their side effects. I am literally trying to loose my weight since 2019 and I only lost 5 kgs. Medications did fucked up with my metabolism. I am not discouraging anyone here, if Medications suiting your body, take them ☺️. It's just not for my body.

I found out I have estrogen dominated cycle and it becomes more dominant because I am overweight ( more fatty tissues increase your estrogen levels).

I am consulting a therapist but we are going at slow pace because I am taking my time to open up to them about my life.

Does Anyone relate with this of had in similar situation? Please guide me what can I do ? I want to find things which can be done regularly and can be incorporated in daily life.

P.s. I am still a student and near broke. I am preparing for my exams and I don't want to get fucked up this time.

Thank you :)


I am able to reduce my maladaptive daydreaming into some extent but still not able to stop it. I am trying to unlearn this coping. I don't want to think about my crush 24*7 and making scenarios in my head when I can study or spend time on my hobbies.

My brain is a mess. I am trying to figure things out during my sane weeks and I am crying. I feel like I am lost and won't have a good life.

I am not able to study consistently because of these issues and it is affecting my grades.

Please anyone have suggestions enlighten me. I am trying to find ways to be my previous self again who was living life instead of just existing.

Thank you :)

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The original was posted on /r/getmotivated by /u/Method_Support on 2024-01-19 11:41:34+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/getmotivated by /u/MJdigi_Mark on 2024-01-18 20:47:50+00:00.

In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity.

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The original was posted on /r/getmotivated by /u/trust_community on 2024-01-18 12:26:08+00:00.

My life is so complicated, I really need motivation on how to get over it.

All my life I was leaving with my granny who recently died , right now I have no parents , no friends , no any known relatives, all I have is dogs around me . Well dogs are really good creatures and they really make a good company but sadly I can’t talk to them for a motivation.

Life is really hard for me because I have no one to talk to during hard times , I don’t know how to over come life I gat no job. I’ve tried getting jobs but my level of education doesn’t favor me but I really love too.

I will be so happy for the help

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The original was posted on /r/getmotivated by /u/MJdigi_Mark on 2024-01-18 10:06:27+00:00.

Spend less time making noise worrying about what others are doing or what they are saying and more time focused on getting things done in silence.

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The original was posted on /r/getmotivated by /u/ShajKar on 2024-01-18 09:33:33+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/getmotivated by /u/MessagesFromLife on 2024-01-18 06:01:05+00:00.

A Message from Life to You


I was just swinging by to remind you.

You're needed; otherwise, you would not be here.

You're a vital note in the grand symphony of existence.

No one else can play your note.

The melody of life would not sound the same without you.

What are you waiting for?

Let's get out there and make some beautiful music together!

Sending you lots of love,

The Conductor

P.S. Oh, and between you and me, I might have given you an extra special note to play. But don't tell anyone - it's our little secret.

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