
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (2 children)

Day 12: Hot springs


  • Leaderboard completion time: 22:57
  • Personal completion time: ahahahahahahaha (at least i had fun)

Where a curse the fact I decided to use JQ and not a "real" programming language.

spoilerHad to resort to memoization, but sadly JQ isn't mega well suited to that. I had to refactor my part 1 function, to make including the "state" at every function call possible. I wish it were as easy as a @cache decorator, but i guess this way i had fun (for an arbitrary definition of "fun")

Further cleaned up version: https://github.com/zogwarg/advent-of-code/blob/main/2023/jq/12-b.jq

Also lost a fair amount of time not not noticing that the sequence should be joined with "?" not with "". (that'll teach me to always run on the example before the full input, when execution time is super long).

Execution time: 17m10s (without memoization a single row was taking multiple minutes, and there's 1000 rows ^^...)

EDIT: see massive improvement by running in parallel in reply.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

discussionIn retrospect that would have been far better for runtime, my dist function ended up being a tad expensive.

I substituted the rows/columns, with multiplication by the expansion rate if they were all numbers. And then for each galaxy pair do a running sum by going “down” the “right” and adding the distance for each row and column crossed.


transpose is nice to have in that approach.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Ah! Thanks for making my notice the GCM -> GCD typo. I'm not gunning for the leaderboards myself, it's pretty hopeless ^^. Yes i am assuming based off of experience and utility tools.

I myself have tools to automatically get the inputs, and submit outputs, but that's more because it pleases me than to actually be fast: https://github.com/zogwarg/advent-of-code/blob/main/functions.sh

(Also completely pointlessly have a functions to extract the session cookie from chrome storage from the CLI, despite being long-lived, and therefore much simpler to simply copy-paste from debugger window)

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago (2 children)

spoilerPart 2 only, but Part 1 is very similar.

#!/usr/bin/env jq -n -R -f
  # For each line, get numbers eg: [ [1,2,3] ]
  inputs / " " | map(tonumber) | [ . ] |

  # Until latest row is all zeroes
  until (.[-1] | [ .[] == 0] | all;
   . += [
     # Add next row, where for element(i) = prev(i+1) - prev(i)
     [ .[-1][1:] , .[-1][0:-1] ] | transpose | map(.[0] - .[1])
  # Get extrapolated previous element for first row
  |  [ .[][0] ] | reverse | reduce .[] as $i (0; $i - . )

# Output sum of extapolations for all lines
| add

I'm pretty sure you could make this one line and unreadable ^^.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago (6 children)

Cleaned up version of code used to solve part 2 in jq.

Spoiler code section

#!/usr/bin/env jq -n -R -f

# Get LR instructions
( input / "" | map(if . == "L" then 0 else 1 end )) as $LR |
( $LR | length ) as $l |

# Make map {"AAA":["BBB","CCC"], ...}
    inputs | select(.!= "") | [ scan("[A-Z]{3}") ] | {(.[0]): .[1:]}
  ] | add
) as $map |

# List primes for GCM test / factorization
  2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19,
  23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47,
  53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79,
  83, 89, 97
] as $primes |

reduce (
  $map | keys[] | select(test("..A")) | { s: 0, i: 0, c: .} |

  # For each "..A" starting position
  # Produce visited [ "KEY", pos mod $l ], until loop is detected
  until (.i as $i | .[.c] // [] | contains([$i]);
    .s as $s | .i as $i | .c as $c        |
    $map[$c][$LR[$i]] as $next            | # Get next KEY
    .[$c] = (( .[$c] // [ $s ] ) + [$i] ) | # Append ( .s ≡ $l ) to array for KEY (first = .s non mod)
    .s = ( $s + 1 )  | .i = (.s % $l )    | # Update cursors, for next iteration
    .c = $next
  | .[.c][0] as $start_loop_idx | (.s - $start_loop_idx) as $loop_size
  | [ to_entries[] | select(.key[-1:] == "Z") ]
  | if (
      length != 1                                           # Only one ..Z per loop
      or ( .[0].value[0] != $loop_size )                    # First ..Z idx = loop size
      or ( [ .[0].value[0] / $l ] | inside($primes) | not ) # loop_size = ( prime x $l )
      or ( .[0].value[0] / $l  > $l )                       # GCM(loop_sizes) = $l
    ) then "Input does not fit expected pattern" | halt_error else
      # Under these conditions, synched positions of ..Zs happen at:
      # LCM = Π(loop_size_i / GCM) * GCM

      # loop_size_i / GCM
      .[0].value[0] / $l
) as $i (1; . * $i)

# Output LCM = first step where, all ghosts are on "..Z" nodes
| . * $l

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (7 children)

Day 8: Haunted Wasteland


Not so easy at least for part two.

spoilerDo you remember high school math, like lowest common multiple, part 2 electric boogaloo.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

Day 6: Wait For It


Alternate spoiler name - for part 2~~Do you remember highschool algebra?~~ Can you (or your compiler) remember highschool algebra fast enough to beat out a naïve implementation?

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago (1 children)

The main catch is it would often be faster to use a "real" programming langage ^^, both in writing the code, and in execution time for some loop heavy examples: equivalent code that completes say in 1 second in python, completing in 1 minute in jq. Also missing a way to call native libraries, to do stuff like say "md5" (relevant) in past years advents-of-code.

That being said i like the general "pipe", map-reduce feel of the language. Like bash one-liners It can make for very terse implementations. I like to add comments, and indentation to make it readable though.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (4 children)

I liked the slight trickiness of part 2, that the naive implementation would never complete in time.

As always doing a JQ implementation:

Part 1

#!/usr/bin/env jq -n -R -f

# Get seeds
input | [ match("\\d+"; "g").string | tonumber ] as $seeds |

# Collect maps
reduce inputs as $line ({};
  if $line == "" then
  elif $line | test(":") then
    .k = ( $line / " " | .[0] )
    .[.k] += [[ $line | match("\\d+"; "g").string | tonumber ]]

# For each map, apply transformation to all seeds.
# seed -> ... -> location
| reduce ( to_entries[] | select(.key != "k") .value) as $map ({s:$seeds};
  .s[] |= (
    # Only attempt transform if element is in one of the ranges
    [ . as $e | $map[] | select(. as  [$d,$s,$l] | $e >= $s and $e < $s + $l) ] as $range |
    if ($range | length ) > 0 then
      $range[0] as [$d,$s] |
      . - $s + $d

# Get lowest location
| .s | min

Some comments:

  • A nice use of input first to get the seeds, then inputs to get remaining lines.

Part 2

#!/usr/bin/env jq -n -R -f

# Utility function
def group_of($n):
  ( length / $n ) as $l |
  . as $arr |
  range($l) | $arr[.*$n:.*$n+$n]

# Get all seed ranges
input | [ match("\\d+"; "g").string | tonumber ] | [group_of(2)] as $seeds |

# Collect maps
reduce inputs as $line ({};
  if $line == "" then
  elif $line | test(":") then
    .k = ( $line / " " | .[0] )
    .[.k] += [[ $line | match("\\d+"; "g").string | tonumber ]]

# For each map, apply transformation to all seeds ranges.
# Producing new seed ranges if applicable
# seed -> ... -> location
| reduce (to_entries[] | select(.key != "k") .value) as $map ({s:$seeds};
  .s |= [
    # Only attempt transform if seed range and map range instersect
    .[] | [.[0], add, .[1] ] as [$ea, $eb, $el] | [
      $map[] | select(.[1:] | [.[0], add ] as [$sa,$sb] |
        ( $ea >= $sa and $ea < $sb ) or
        ( $eb >= $sa and $eb < $sb ) or
        ( $sa >= $ea and $sa < $eb )
    ] as $range |
    if $range | length > 0 then
      $range[0] as [$d,$s,$l] |
      # ( only end ) inside map range
      if $ea < $s and $eb < $s + $l then
        [$ea, $s - $ea], [$d, $eb - $s ]
      # ( both start, end ) outside map range
      elif $ea < $s then
        [$ea, $s - $ea], [$d, $l], [ $s + $l, $eb ]
      # ( only start ) inside map range
      elif $eb > $s + $l then
        [$ea + $d - $s, $l - $ea + $s ], [$s + $l, $eb - $s - $l]
      # ( both start, end ) inside map range
        [$ea + $d - $s , $el]

# Get lowest location
| [.s[][0]] | min

Some comments:

  • Since iterating across all seeds naively would take forever, iterating over seed ranges instead.
  • It's nice that JQ can neatly produce extra elements: [1,2,3] | [ .[] | if . == 2 then . * 10 + 1 , . * 10 + 2 else . end ] -> [1, 21, 22, 3]
  • There is probably a more compact way of expressing all the conditions and produced outputs.

Replaced less-than (and greater-than for symmetry) symbols with full-width version, since lemmy apparently doesn't handle them well within a code block: replacing less than with <

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Back to a more straightfoward day, do they make them harder on the weekends?

Day 4 Scratchcards

Part 1

#!/usr/bin/env jq -n -R -f
  # Split winning numbers | card
  | split(" | ")
  # Get numbers, remove game id
  | .[] |= [ match("\\d+"; "g").string | tonumber ] | .[0] |= .[1:]
  # Get score for each line
  | .[1] - (.[1] - .[0]) | length | select(. > 0) | pow(2; . - 1)

# Output total score sum
| add

Very suited to JQ, extra trick learned using: [ match("\\d+"; "g").string | tonumber ] as a parse all ints in line.

Part 2

#!/usr/bin/env jq -n -R -f
  # Split winning numbers | card
  | split(" | ")
  # Get numbers, remove game id
  | .[] |= [ match("\\d+"; "g").string | tonumber ] | .[0] |= .[1:]
  # Set number of cards to 1, and further cards count
  | .[1] - (.[1] - .[0]) | [ 1, length ]

| { cards: ., i: 0, l: length } | until (.i == .l;
  # Get number for current card
  .cards[.i][0] as $num
  # Increase range of futher cards, by current number
  | .cards[.i + range(.cards[.i][1]) + 1 ][0] += $num
  | .i += 1

# Output total sum of cards
| [ .cards[][0] ] | add

Not too much of an edit compared to part one, being able to easily do operations on range of indices is convenient.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago

Have been mostly using jq for fun.

Day 1

Part 1

#!/usr/bin/env jq -n -R -f

# Get and reduce every "pretty" line
reduce inputs as $line (
  # Add extracted number
  . + ( $line / "" | [ .[] | tonumber? ] | [first * 10 , last] | add )

First part was easy, and very suited to jq

Part 2

#!/usr/bin/env jq -n -R -f

# Define string to num value map
  "one":   1,  "1": 1,
  "two":   2,  "2": 2,
  "three": 3,  "3": 3,
  "four":  4,  "4": 4,
  "five":  5,  "5": 5,
  "six":   6,  "6": 6,
  "seven": 7,  "7": 7,
  "eight": 8,  "8": 8,
  "nine":  9,  "9": 9
} as $to_num |

# Get and reduce every "pretty" line
reduce inputs as $line (
  . + (
    $line |
    # Try two capture two numbers
    capture("(^.*?(?(one|two|three|four|five|six|seven|eight|nine|[1-9])).*(?(one|two|three|four|five|six|seven|eight|nine|[1-9])).*?$)?") |
    # If no capture, get one number twice
    if .f == "" then $line | capture("^.*?(?(one|two|three|four|five|six|seven|eight|nine|[1-9]))") | .l = .f else . end |
    # Add extracted number
    $to_num[.f] * 10 + $to_num[.l]

Second part was harder than expected, i had to resort to regex.

Day 2

Part 1

#!/usr/bin/env jq -n -R -f

# For each game: Is 12 red cubes, 13 green cubes, and 14 blue cubes possible ?
# Line Format =
# Game 1: 3 blue, 4 red; 1 red, 2 green, 6 blue; 2 green
  # Splitting input game id and content
  inputs / ": " |
  # Saving id
  (.[0] / " " | .[1] | tonumber ) as $id |
  # Parsing game
  .[1] / "; " | [
    .[] / ", " | [ .[] / " " | {(.[1]): .[0] | tonumber} ] | add |
    # Is given sample possible ?
    .red <= 12 and .green <= 13 and .blue <= 14
  ] |
  # If all samples possible, return id, else 0
  if all then $id else 0 end
] |

# Return sum of all possible game ids

Not too much trickery in this example.

Part 2

#!/usr/bin/env jq -n -R -f

# Line Format =
# Game 1: 3 blue, 4 red; 1 red, 2 green, 6 blue; 2 green
  # Splitting input game id and content
  inputs / ": " |
  # Parsing game
  .[1] / "; " |
    [ .[] / ", " | [ .[] / " " | {(.[1]): .[0] | tonumber} ] | add ] |
    # Getting minimum required mumber for each color,
    # and computing the power
      r: ([.[].red]   | max),
      g: ([.[].green] | max),
      b: ([.[].blue]  | max)
    } | .r * .g * .b
] |

# Return sum of all powers

Satisifyingly straightfoward edit form part one.

Day 3

Part 1

#!/usr/bin/env jq -n -R -f

# Getting input with padding, and padded width
[ "." + inputs + "." ] as $inputs | ( $inputs[0] | length ) as $w |

# Working with flattened string, convert all symbols to '#'
  ([range($w) | "."]|join("")), # Padding
  ([range($w) | "."]|join(""))  # Padding
] | join("") | gsub("[^0-9.]";"#") as $inputs |

reduce (
  # Get all indices for symbols, in box pattern around symbols
  $inputs | indices("#")[] |
  . - $w -1  , . - $w , . - $w + 1 ,
  . - 1      , empty  , . + 1      ,
  . + $w - 1 , . + $w , . + $w + 1
) as $i (
  # Numbers containes bounding indices,
  # of numbers bordering symbols
  {numbers: []};

  # Test if current index isn't included in any found number
  def new_number($i): [ .numbers[] | .[0] <= $i and $i <= .[1] ] | any | not ;
  # Make "number" as bounding indices, by extending left and right
  def make_number($i):
    {a: $i, b: ($i+1 )}
      | until( $inputs[.a:.b] | test("^[^0-9]"); .a -= 1 )
      | until( $inputs[.a:.b] | test("[^0-9]$"); .b += 1 )
      | [ .a +1 , .b -1 ]

  # Add numbers if bordering symbol and new
  if ($inputs[$i:$i+1] | test("[0-9]")) and new_number($i) then .numbers += [ make_number($i) ] else . end
) |

# Output sum of all found numbers
[ .numbers[] | $inputs[.[0]:.[1]] | tonumber ] | add

Took More time than i expected, glad i had the idea early to search by the indices of the symbols and not the digits. Not super well suited to jq, unless I'm missing a better solution.

Part 2

#!/usr/bin/env jq -n -R -f

# Getting input with padding, and padded width
[ "." + inputs + "." ] as $inputs | ( $inputs[0] | length ) as $w |

# Working with flattened string, only keep gear '*' symbols
  ([range($w) | "."]|join("")), # Padding
  ([range($w) | "."]|join(""))  # Padding
] | join("") | gsub("[^0-9*]";".") as $inputs |

# Iterate over index positions of all gears
reduce ($inputs | indices("*")[]) as $i (
  # Re-use part-1 functions
  def new_number($i):
    [ .numbers[] | .[0] <= $i and $i <= .[1] ] | any | not
  def make_number($i):
    {a: $i, b: ($i+1 )}
      | until( $inputs[.a:.b] | test("^[^0-9]"); .a -= 1 )
      | until( $inputs[.a:.b] | test("[^0-9]$"); .b += 1 )
      | [ .a +1 , .b -1 ]
  # Reset and add numbers for each "box" ids
  def add_numbers($box_idx):
    reduce $box_idx[] as $i ({numbers:[]};
      if ($inputs[$i:$i+1] | test("[0-9]")) and new_number($i) then
        .numbers += [ make_number($i) ]
    $i - $w -1 , $i - $w , $i -$w + 1 ,
    $i - 1     , empty   , $i + 1     ,
    $i + $w - 1, $i + $w , $i + $w + 1
  ]).numbers as $numbers |

  if $numbers | length == 2 then
    # Add product if exactly two bordering numbers
    . += ( $numbers | map($inputs[.[0]:.[1]]|tonumber) | .[0] * .[1] )

Not too far of an edit from part one.

[–] [email protected] 12 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (2 children)

One (simpler) explanation is that proving an absence of something is almost impossible, and that attempting too hard would make them look a heck of a lot guilty.

There is a good reason why the burden of evidence is “innocent until proven guilty”, and yes this extends to the (in your eyes) untrustworthy.

Prove to me you never stole candy from a store as a child (or if you did, replace that accusation with any item of higher value until you hit something you did not steal)

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