Only solved by receving heavy hints from other's solution, and it still took me forever. By far the hardest this year.
Completed when waiting for the second leg of my Christmas holidays flight. (It was a long wait, can I blame jet-lag?).
Have a more compact implementation of LCM/GCD, something tells me it will come in handy In future editions. (I’ve also progressively been doing past years)
Replying in OP: Yeah, Lemmy punishes old threads/posts a bit too much for my taste ^^.
Day 18: Lavaduct Lagoon
Satisfyingly short (in lines, not in time writing) some of the longer part is hexadecimal parsing, that doesn't come natively in JQ, I started doing polygon math from part 1, and what took me the longest was properly handling the area contributed by the perimeter. (I toyed with trying very annoying things like computing the outmost vertex at each turn, which is complicated by the fact that you don't initially know which way the digger is turning, and needing previous and next point to disambiguate).
#!/usr/bin/env jq -n -R -f
reduce (
# Produce stream of the vertices, for the position of the center
foreach (
# From hexadecimal representation
# Get inputs as stream of directions = ["R", 5]
inputs | scan("#(.+)\\)") | .[0] / ""
| map(
if tonumber? // false then tonumber
else {"a":10,"b":11,"c":12,"d":13,"e":14,"f":15}[.] end
| [["R","D","L","U"][.[-1]], .[:-1]]
| .[1] |= (
# Convert base-16 array to numeric value.
.[0] * pow(16;4) +
.[1] * pow(16;3) +
.[2] * pow(16;2) +
.[3] * 16 +
) as $dir ([0,0];
if $dir[0] == "R" then .[0] += $dir[1]
elif $dir[0] == "D" then .[1] += $dir[1]
elif $dir[0] == "L" then .[0] -= $dir[1]
elif $dir[0] == "U" then .[1] -= $dir[1]
# Add up total area enclosed by path of center
# And up the are of the perimeter, perimeter * 1/2 + 1
) as [$x, $y] ( #
{prev: [0,0], area: 0, perimeter_area: 1 };
# Adds positve rectangles
# Removes negative rectangles
.area += ( $x - .prev[0] ) * $y |
# Either Δx or Δy is 0, so this is safe
.perimeter_area += (($x - .prev[0]) + ($y - .prev[1]) | abs) / 2 |
# Keep current position for next vertex
.prev = [$x, $y]
# Output total area
| ( .area | abs ) + .perimeter_area
Day 19: Aplenty
Satisfyingly very well suited to JQ once you are used to the stream
, foreach(init; mod; extract)
and recurse(exp)
[where every output item of exp as a stream is fed back into recurse] operators. It's a different way of coding but has a certain elegance IMO. This was actually quick to implement, along with re-using the treating a range as a primitive approach of the seeds-to-soil day.
#!/usr/bin/env jq -n -sR -f
inputs / "\n\n"
# Parse rules
| .[0] / "\n"
| .[] |= (
| .[1] |= (. / ",")
| .[1][] |= capture("^((?<reg>.)(?<op>[^\\d]+)(?<num>\\d+):)?(?<to>[a-zA-Z]+)$")
| ( .[1][].num | strings ) |= tonumber
| {key: .[0], value: (.[1]) }
) | from_entries as $rules |
# Split part ranges into new ranges
def split_parts($part; $rule_seq):
# For each rule in the sequence
foreach $rule_seq[] as $r (
# INIT = full range
# Adjust parts being sent forward to next rule
if $r.reg == null then
.out = [ .f , $ ]
elif $r.op == "<" and .f[$r.reg][0] < $r.num then
([ .f[$r.reg][1], $r.num - 1] | min ) as $split |
.out = [(.f | .[$r.reg][1] |= $split ), $ ] |
.f[$r.reg][0] |= ($split + 1)
elif $r.op == ">" and .f[$r.reg][1] > $r.num then
([ .f[$r.reg][0], $r.num + 1] | max ) as $split |
.out = [(.f | .[$r.reg][0] |= $split), $ ] |
.f[$r.reg][1] |= ($split - 1)
# EXTRACT = parts sent to other nodes
# for recursion call
.out | select(all(.[0][]; .[0] < .[1]))
[ # Start with full range of possible sings in input = "in"
[ {x:[1,4000],m:[1,4000],a:[1,4000],s:[1,4000]} , "in" ] |
# Recusively split musical parts, into new ranges objects
if .[1] == "R" or .[1] == "A" then
# Stop recursion if "Rejected" or "Accepted"
# Recursively split
# Keep only part ranges in "Accepted" state
) | select(.[1] == "A") | .[0]
# Total number if parts in each object is the product of the ranges
| ( 1 + .x[1] - .x[0] ) *
( 1 + .m[1] - .m[0] ) *
( 1 + .a[1] - .a[0] ) *
( 1 + .s[1] - .s[0] )
# Sum total number of possibly accepted musical parts
] | add
EDIT: Less-thans and greater-thans replaced by fullwidth version, because lemmy is a hungry little goblin.
The beauty is you don't need to keep track of the corners at all: ultimately the area contributed by the perimeter is ( 1/2 * perimeter ) + 1.
The short justification is that is if was just ( 1/2 * perimeter ), for every inside corners you overcount by 1/4 and for every outside corner you undercount. And there is exactly 4 more outside corners that inside ones, always. You can justify that by having an arrow follow the eddges, utlmately the arrow must make 1 full turn, each outside corner adds 1/4 turn. each inside corner removes 1/4 turn.
Day 17: Clumsy Crucible
Intimidating at first, so I went shopping for christmas presents first, which engaged my brain juices.
In hindsight this is is searching for the shortest path in a graph, making sure that each square is actually two nodes, for when approached vertically or horizontally. My shcool days are distant now, and i wonder how far from optimal my implementation is ^^.
Part two was only a small edit from part one for me, and the code actually ran faster! from ~45s -> ~20s.
16 a,b
In my case it was a lot more of headbanging, the traverse function i wrote for part a was way to slow, since JQ isn't happy with loop-heavy assignments (if not buried within C-implemented builtins). Part a completed in ~2seconds, which was never going to do (in hindsight it would have taken me less time to simply let it run slowly), I had to optimize it so that the beams don't step one square at a time, but shoot straight to any obstacle.
It took me waaaay too long to troubleshoot it into something that actually worked. I'm sure there's a compact implementation out there, but my part b ended up looking very meaty (and still took ~30s to run):
Vigorous mask-dropping very early on in the post:
The term "eugenics" has absorbed so much baggage over the last century that it somehow refers both to swiping right on Tinder when you see an attractive person and to the holocaust.
Not all dating is done with reproduction in mind. What are members of the opposite, or indeed same gender: baby synthesis apparatus? Unless you go out of your way in selecting blue eyed, blond haired people, restricting the definition of beautiful to these people, and restricting the teleology of tinder to the begetting progeny, how is it even remotely eugenics?
EDIT: Uncharacteristically for LW the post, was very short short, "very early" is actually about midway in a proposal of little substance, also choosing attractive partners doesn't guarantee ensure children anyway (unless using very specific definitions of beauty).
How about not fiddling with indices?
JQ Notfiddlingwithindexification
#!/usr/bin/env jq -n -R -f
# Dish to grid
[ inputs / "" ]
# Tilt UP
| transpose # Transpose, for easier RE use
| map( #
("#" + add) | [ # For each column, replace '^' with '#'
scan("#[O.]*") | [ # From '#' get empty spaces and 'O' rocks
"#", scan("O"), scan("\\.") # Let gravity do it's work.
] #
] | add[1:] # Add groups back together
) #
| transpose # Transpose back
# For each row, count 'O' rocks
| map(add | [scan("O")] | length)
# Add total load on "N" beam
| [0] + reverse | to_entries
| map( .key * .value ) | add
Similarly tired with index fiddling, I was pretty happy with my approach, which led to satisfying transpose
cancelling in part 2. Not the fastest code out there, but it works. Day 14 was actually my favorite one so far ^^.
I took a very similar approach to parts a and b, with the difference that i was too lazy to do titling in each direction, and wanted to abuse regex so Instead i always titled up and rotated, which given my method of tilting up and rotating had some satisfying cancelling of transpose operations:
# Relevant portion
# oneCycle expects an array, of array of chars (3x3 eg: [[".","#","."],[".",".","."],["O",".","#"]])
def oneCycle:
# Tilt UP = T . MAP(scan) . T
# Rotate = T . MAP(reverse)
# Titl UP . Rotate = T . MAP(scan) . Map(reverse) | T . T = Identity
def tilt_up_rotate:
transpose # Gets subgroups # Within each group,
# starring with "#" # In order 1 "#", x "O", y "."
| map( ("#" + add) | [ scan("#[^#]*") | ["#", scan("O"), scan("\\.")] ] | add[1:])
| map(reverse)
# Tilt North, West, South, East
tilt_up_rotate | tilt_up_rotate | tilt_up_rotate | tilt_up_rotate
JQ does allow some nice sortcuts sometimes, again transpose
is nice to have.
A nice workaround to jq single threadedness, since this is maq reduce and safe to parallelize. 17m10s -> 20s !!!
Spoiler link to commit.
Not really spoilery details: Revolves around spawing mutiple jq instances and filtering the inputs bassed on a modulo of number of instances:
# Option to run in parallel using xargs
# Eg: ( seq 0 9 | \
# xargs -P 10 -n 1 ./2023/jq/12-b.jq input.txt --argjson s 10 --argjson i \
# ) | jq -s add
# Execution time 17m10s -> 20s
if $ARGS.named.s and $ARGS.named.i then #
[inputs] | to_entries[] | select(.key % $ARGS.named.s == $ARGS.named.i) | .value / " "
inputs / " "
I use JQ at work, and never really needed this, i guess this trick is nice to have under the belt just in case.
Happy holidays!