[-] [email protected] 70 points 10 months ago

The rent for regular apartments has basically doubled in the past couple years. You see studios go for $3000/mo, and 1 bedrooms for $4500+ quite often. I really hope this will have a helpful effect on lowering for the people who already live here, who can't make ends meet because of absurd rental prices and hikes lately. There needs to be more housing and reasonable prices for people who live here. Compared to the median income here (and not the mean, because it's not representative to count the billionaires), it's literally not affordable for the people who grew up here and started their lives here, to afford to have a roof over their head. That's why you see shit like 5 unrelated adults in a 1 bedroom apartment together, or a big extended family of multiple generations, partners, etc., all living under the same roof. Nobody can afford anything better here.

[-] [email protected] 12 points 11 months ago

Genuine question, how the heck do people who have a ton of social media accounts (some for a business, some for different topics, some they haven't used in ages and maybe forgot about or lost the login for) actually list them all? If it were me, depending on the platforms required, I don't even know where I'd begin. I very well might genuinely forget one I made 3 years ago, used for a month, and abandoned.

[-] [email protected] 76 points 11 months ago

This is super fucked up. I use Stylus extensively to customize the UI on so many sites. Not even for adblocking or that kind of thing, but for accessibility. I actually learned to code many years ago specifically so I could write my own userstyles so that popular websites would be more accessible for me. This is not just predatory on an ads and money level but on an accessibility level too.

[-] [email protected] 10 points 11 months ago
[-] [email protected] 16 points 11 months ago

I don't want to jump to conclusions in either direction but it's entirely possible that people may not be speaking out because it may upset people who could potentially choose to cast them (or not) in future roles.

[-] [email protected] 16 points 11 months ago

I forgot that giving awards gave the recipient premium. I'm gonna have to use my old coin stockpile then... Hopefully on accounts that don't have premium but are active, to hit reddit in the wallet. 🤔

[-] [email protected] 20 points 1 year ago

I am an admin on another wiki that used to be on Gamepedia before the Fandom buyout. We forked immediately. I have also been self hosting a wiki for another game since early 2017. Completely worth it. Fandom has always had terrible user experience, and frankly they do not care about their users at all. Maybe their community-level staff do, but definitely not the higher ups. I've chatted with them directly when we were planning to fork. They're only in it for the money, not for the good of the editors or readers. They make ridiculous changes that are great for advertisers but completely subvert the user experience and actual content on the page. They've also let go a lot of their staff for nonsensical reasons. I really hope the Minecraft wiki goes through with the fork, and that more and more wikis follow. It's absurd how much of a monopoly they have, given how awful their service is. I for one will be happy to visit the Minecraft wiki again, as someone who plays occasionally, but not often enough to be keeping tabs on all the new features and updates. But I boycott Fandom wikis on principle so I haven't been there in years.

[-] [email protected] 13 points 1 year ago

All clothes should be accepted based on functionality and practicality regardless of gender.

[-] [email protected] 7 points 1 year ago

Thanks for being as on top of things as possible. I'm still mourning Apollo but hoping to bring some folks from reddit over here soon.

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

If you're unfamiliar, Ensemble Stars!! is a game about 49 fictional mostly* male Japanese idols. The game is available on iOS and Android, on multiple servers for each language. The English server also has a beta for a PC client.

Everyone's welcome here as long as you're on topic and respectful. We are opening this community as an option for our subreddit's members (r/ensemblestars) to use, if they are no longer comfortable or able to use reddit after July 1st. New players are also welcome!

This instance was chosen because our community skews significantly to the LGBT and gender diverse audiences, *as well as one of the characters being a trans woman, and we felt it would be best to pick a place that would be free of any bigotry and hatred in these areas.

For those coming from reddit, if you signed up on another instance, you can still post and comment here without issue. Just type [[email protected]](/c/[email protected]) into your instance's search bar and it should show up.

For those new to Enstars, welcome! Check out https://ensemblestars.com for the English version, or https://ensemble-stars.jp for the Japanese version.

[-] [email protected] 5 points 1 year ago

If you (or a banker or anyone you're paying) needed to count that money, you'd need to count just over 11 bills every 4 seconds, just to count all the bills within an hour, let alone have time to actually spend the money. This is assuming $100 bills, of which you'd need 10,000 of. This many bills also weighs 22 pounds or 10 kilograms, plus whatever the weight of the container you're carrying it is... IDK man I think I'd not even try to spend most of it, grab maybe $500-1000 in cash, and go on a quick shopping spree at Target or something, which is like a 10 minute walk from where I live. I could buy groceries, clothing, electronics, household items, etc. If I still had time I would go back and try to buy gift cards in large denominations, but I know cashiers are supposed to give people a hard time with that because of scammers, so I wouldn't want to deal with that during the initial transaction.

[-] [email protected] 17 points 1 year ago

Thanks so much for your efforts and transparency!

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