I know it was a sorta joke… but I had to find out if it was true.
This link: https://www.ifixit.com/Teardown/AirPods+Max+Teardown/139369 provides an awesome breakdown on the contents and lots of X-rays.
It turns out the answer is no, although both batteries are in the right ear cup, and ifixit never do figure if there is a counterweight in the other ear. There’s just a gap.
And yeah… adding that weight was a crappy move and very un-apple IMHO. Their products should stand on their own and not require gimmicks like that. Having said that, this is Beats. Analysis showed that their products cost as little as $18 to make (including parts and assembly) - talk about cheap overpriced crap. The other few hundred dollars per set is marketing, distribution and profit. Shows what celebrity endorsements can get you.
You probably did the right thing for headphones.
I’ve been looking for real data on the effectiveness of Sony’s MX5 vs Max vs others - specifically I want to see how well they do passive and ANC across the frequencies we are exposed to. And Verge have come through with this video: https://www.theverge.com/2023/8/31/23852241/we-took-six-pairs-of-headphones-and-a-dummy-head-on-the-subway
Its a good video, but its also got real data from some experts. If you are TLDW - then skip to the end for a table from the experts.
The Sony MX5 are head and shoulders above the rest (with the max second in most categories).