Props for linking an original source, but uhhh, wrong lever on the title kronk...
Usual searches aren't turning up anything at the moment. Best I've got is the initial post to reddit...
That's... Probably more true than I'd like to admit.
On a relevant tanget, I think my favorite review for Overwatch 2 come from steam user Spaulding:
The people who make Overwatch porn work harder than the people who make Overwatch
(source) its just such a delightful burn in such a small package...
This one was a nice break from all the porn, it's so normal that reverse imagine search drags in random ads, blogs, and wallpaper sites. Actually made for a fun little scavenger hunt. Massive props to alphacoders user ToT for including attribution. The photographer is Julien Fischer and the model appears to go by Laulau. Uncropped original source
Watermark is just a smidge compressed, gif is of reddit user milkandginger (aka Sadie Safir). She seems to have removed the content from her socials, so there isn't much to find unless you go spelunking for archives and reuploads.
Those are some majestic, erm... stickers! Yes, that's the word. Civic duty is sexy as hell!