I don't really have "devices" that need logging into so i can't help you, there.
Bitwarden works well.
So it should be: if password == correct and first_success == true then { login failure; first_success = false }
Something like that.
It should be that it rejects the password the first time it's entered correctly but accepts it on every subsequent try. That actually would provide some protection against like dictionary attacks and raw brute force attacks.
I mean that's all but explicitly what they wanted.
Ruby: No, it has been redefined as the number 5 so buckle your seatbelts, kiddos, cuz shit's about to get wild!
Also is this the Bible or is it just L Ron Hubbard?
May as well start somewhere and this is somewhere.
Sugar free cookies! Serving size 1/100th of a cookie, round the grams of sugar down to zero! May as well, what're they going to do? Stop you?
Their actual position is that they don't give a fuck about anyone other than themself. Everything they claim to believe is just a rationalization they think will sound good to someone else. All they care about is what they can convince others.
They still do reduce transmission to yourself but yeah, the big win is in not spreading it yourself.
The best lipstick.