
joined 11 months ago


Ainother day, another emacs doubt.

I'm using ivy-mode, and when I do M-x and write, the order of candidates for completion seems weird for me. I figure it obeys some logic, but I'd like to change it. For example:

I do M-x and write coun bu

Results are:

counsel-switch-buffer (this one is selected by default)




For me, counsel-buffer-or-recent should be the first candidate, since that's the one with shortest "distance" between a match for coun and a match for bu. Is there a way to make results be sorted by this? So that those 4 candidate should appear like:





Another example. I make M-x package-install then write consu. There are almost 15 results before consult. Being the shortest one matching perfectly the string, IMHO this should be the first candidate.

Another example, M-x dire. Results:

A couple of logical results (because they start with dired-)



How is it that dired-jump appears after tramp-crypt-add-directory if the match for dire is further in the tramp-... candidate?

Any hint on this?

Thanks in advance.



Still learning Emacs but happy with it so far. One thing i'm trying to find out is this. I'm OK with Emacs creating recovery files from which i can, well, recover my work after emacs is closed. However, if I save my files, I have no need for these #filename# or filename~ files that populate my folders. Is there a way to make emacs keep creating these recovery files, but deleting them if I *save* my actual files?