Thanks to the referral code from here, I am summarizing rm2 vs kindle scribe (KS as follows) on my experience:
(1) Better dealing with large pdf. This is a bit odd to me, since the processor of KS should be better. But when turning/jumping pages, the loading time of KS is horriable.
(2) Writing experience on pdf/notes is better. More tools are available, and it feels slightly better (marginal). No significant lag for both.
(3)Sync is close, both will take a while, but I prefer RM since it is slightly faster (marginal).
(1) Back light is very helpful.
(2) Kindle store.
(3) Discount on amazon (roughly 20% if you wait a bit).
Con for both:
(1) None of them can handle two columns journals.
(2) Cannot access google drive pdf files.
(1) Better dealing with large pdf. This is a bit odd to me since the processor of KS should be better. But when turning/jumping pages, the loading time of KS is horrible.
Basically, I made the decision quickly and returned the KS. I am not 100% sure I will keep RM2, but it is likely it will stay with me for a while.
Interested as well.