
joined 10 months ago

Just wanted to see if there are other notification services besides notify and gotify

[–] [email protected] 1 points 9 months ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago

I have been thinking about this myself.

The question I have is there any reason to get a rack server?

Also, would it make sense to get multiple and put them in a cluster?

Are any rackmount servers low power? or is this just an unrealistic expectation.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 10 months ago

Messy...just messy



I am doing some research on SSO for homelab. My fallback is to use ADFS but from my understanding this would only work if I'm on my home network.

I've looked into other options like Keycloak / Authelia / Authentik

I know google offers a free identity solution that does SSO, but not sure if that would work for my situation.


I'm looking into AD for homelab. I have narrowed it down to samba ad / freeIPA / msad.

Looked into openldap and looked to complicated. Besides MSAD anyone tried samba ad or freeIPA.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago

Is the 10g on WAN or LAN I think is the real question here.

I think both costs are relative. You could argue 2.5g doesn't make sense but it really depends on need.

If it's WAN then I'd argue both cases are expensive.

If it's LAN then maybe there is a minor cost difference between 2.5g and 10g.

Also just because the network is 10g doesn't mean your gonna get 10g across the network. If WAN ain't 10g not happening. If storage/NAS isn't SSD or SAS not happening. If the motherboard doesn't have enough bandwidth to support the 10g output then it's probably not happening.