
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 6 points 18 hours ago (1 children)

You have Debian experience? Then stick to it. It may be boring, but boring is good. That means it doesn't need much maintenance, and that it just works.

[–] [email protected] 17 points 1 day ago (1 children)

They have done that already. It's called Kylin.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 4 days ago

I haven't done much Rust coding this year yet, mainly because I am trying to learn Lean4 and spent the last couple of months writing a (partially) formally validated (but not very fast) Binary Heap in Lean4.

However, a few days ago I had an inspiration at night, that brought me back to my Rust spare time project: The visual novel engine I had started last year.

For now I only did a relatively small change, but it's one that will save me a lot of time (and nerves) later on. I am using a Free Monad based embedded Domain Specific Language for writing the game logic. The change now was to wrap that Free Monad in a State Monad Transformer, which I use to store the game state in.

This idea seems to be working surprisingly well, and that has given me enough motivation to return to this project and to keep developing it further for now.

Long and boring explanation with way too much detail:

Sorry for going on a tangent, but there is a Rust-specific detail that makes this cool beyond the usual advantages of using a State Monad Transformer, and I cannot stop myself from sharing.

For composing a large Free Monad, do-notation is more or less a must-have. However, do-notation in Rust only works well with types that implement Copy. If you want to use any other type in do-notation, you can only access variables of it in the following two lines. An attempt to access the data later will lead to an ownership problem (explained here). I have tried to overcome this by adding additional syntax to do-notation, but that is a crutch at best.

So, this is where the State Monad Transformer comes in. It side-steps this problem by moving the state out of the do-notation block into the Free Monad's Pure-nodes. That way it is readily available via the State Monad Transformer's get()/put() functions, and the "use within two lines" limitation is not a big issue any more, as one can always get the value on one line, do something with it in the next line, and write the result back on the second line.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Oh, that just happened. We didn't have established processes for promotions for a very long time. The company was a tiny startup when I joined (quite literally in the cellar of the company founder's place), with a really flat hierarchy and no distinction in seniority.

At the point when the company started to set up a formal process for promotions, I had already been there for so long, that I was considered one of the most experienced people, and that's how I ended up being filed under "senior coders" in the employee list basically since that category existed... It also was a bit weird, as that happened to coincide with all the COVID lockdown chaos, and I never had a formal promotion talk, just an email with an amandment to my contract, which I didn't even read too carefully, so I didn't realize at first that this was not just the yearly pay increase 😉.

Oh, and believe me, the impostor syndrome is strong with me. I would not have promoted me to that role.

[–] [email protected] 25 points 1 week ago (3 children)

I am not in the position to decide which tech we use at the studio, however, as a Senior my voice is certainly heard when it comes to tech decisions.

And for Unity I can only say: No tech is worth the risk of dealing with such a shady company.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago

Me neither. I only (have to) use Windows at work, all my own PCs have been running Linux for decades...

I do know however, that WSL emulates most (but not all) Linux syscalls, so you can ran (nearly) all Linux programs on Windows - including WINE. There is also a driver in Mesa so that you can render 3D graphics from within WSL on any DX12 graphics card.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago (2 children)

They will likely write their own emulator, but don't forget about WSL. You can already run WINE on Windows, I wouldn't be surprised if you could also run FEX+WINE on Windows for ARM.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago (1 children)

by intercepting syscalls and executing them directly

Not only syscalls. FEX and Box64 also allow using native libraries instead of emulating them. That leaves basically only the game logic to be emulated.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

Yep. The big question is if the gap will close enough that ARM chips indeed end up delivering better power efficiency with emulation than an AMD64 chip that delivers the same performance without emulation.

My bets would be on the native AMD64 chip ending up more power efficient. To be honest, I would not bet too much money though.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Können wir das bitte umbenennen? Also von "Cryptowars" in "himmelschreiend inkompetente Politiker"?

[–] [email protected] 14 points 1 week ago (2 children)

ARM based Deck would be a huge improvement to battery life. Don't get your hopes up too high. You will need an emulation layer like FEX of Box64, and unlike WINE those do have quite a substantial overhead.

It is impressive how far those emulators have come, especially since they got the option to use native libraries instead of emulated ones, but the game logic itself will always need emulation...

This doesn't mean it can't be done, it just means that the ARM CPU needs to be pretty fast to counter the emulation overhead, and that's why I have my doubts about the energy efficiency...

(Btw: I have tried running several AMD64 games on my A311D powered MNT Reform laptop with Box64. It's impressive how well the emulation runs, and how many games are actually playable already. However, I also encountered a lot of games that don't reach enjoyable FPS on that hardware. With a faster ARM chip though....)

[–] [email protected] 6 points 3 weeks ago

Need to enshittify it enough to make the AI features feel like an improvement.


At work we are currently investigating how we could add a reasonably sane optional type for blueprint.

We have modified the native TOptional type heavily, to make it more convenient, by adding Map()/Bind()/Flatten() methods.

Now we would like to add a similarly convenient optional type for Blueprint use.

We have already started working on a UBlueprintCompilerExtension to detect invalid pin connections, but we haven't started on the actual data type itself.

Does anyone know about a plugin that offers this functionality?

Or, alternatively some good resources on how one can write custom Blueprint graph nodes with wildcard pins?

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