Tried out that new metals best effort compilation flag and it stopped evaluating my worksheets :( But still, excited for this feature to get improved!
The "we shouldn't put data in code stuff" is silly. Why do we have Scala worksheets, then? The reason I like and teach Scala is that it's so flexible and meets you where you are.
Reddit refugee here, excited to be a part of this community and hopefully help grow it :)
Curious about anyone's experience with IntelliJ's Scala 3 support these days. I was trying to use it a couple of years ago but I was really struggling with spurious compiler errors. Specifically, I think that IntelliJ didn't have correct support for derives clauses.
Okay! I teach Scala and right now we're using SBT, but it could be nice to offer students an alternative.
Do you use Metals? I tried mill a few months ago and liked the tool itself but couldn't get it to cooperate well with Metals.
are my two workhorses.