DOTS: github Let me know if I forgot to add something
OS: Void Linux
WM: dwm (my build)
Statusbar: dwmblocks (my build)
Terminal: st (my build)
Launcher: dmenu (my build)
Browser: firefox
Startpage: my own
Fetch: rxfetch
Other programs: x11+picom, sxiv, neovim, xwallpaper, zathura, mpv, newsboat, shellcaster, mpd with ncmpccppcppp, lf, Dunst, ImageMagick, ffmpeg, xsecurelock
colorscheme - gruvbox-material
fonts - martian mono, be vietnam pro
icons - fontawesome
video - cbum on mordern wisdom podcast
Special thanks to all the following poeple:
b4skyx for this rice
datsudo for this rice
edit - Gotta say, the crowd over here (lemmy) at unixporn is unexpectedly heartwarming, did not expect it anywhere close to reddit's but here it's probably better. Ty everyone for throwing love at my rice ;)