[-] [email protected] 1 points 4 days ago

I use nixos on my homeserver, but I'm looking to switch it to Void as well. For me personally I just realized that it's easier to set everything up with shell scripts and docker-compose. But that's just my personal experience, by all means go ahead and try out nixos if you have the time. It has lots of unique features that you can't replicate with "just a bunch of shell scripts". This video does a great job of selling nixos. Maybe my favourite part of nixos is how they make "shortcuts" for a lot of common tasks. For example, setting up a letsencrypt ssl certificate for your webserver with autorenewal can be done in just two lines of config.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 4 days ago

Thanks for the info, I'll take a look. "far less modern looking" is a selling point for me haha. Give me those win95-looking gtk2 interfaces!

[-] [email protected] 3 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

"everything is a file" is such a godsend. It makes absolutely everything so much easier and intuitive. I remember trying to get an old dot matrix printer to work using a parallel-to-usb adaptor cable. Without reading any documentation or having any prior experience I tried echo testing12345 > /dev/lp0 and it just worked lol. Meanwhile my friend spent like half an hour digging in windows gui settings trying to figure out how to print to a parallel printer.

I also posted about this before, but a while back I had to configure my system so that a non-root user could start and stop a root daemon without sudo. On a runit system all you have to do is change the permissions of some control files and it works. On systemd? When I looked it up, the simplest solution involved writing a polkit policy in javascript 🤮

[-] [email protected] 1 points 4 days ago


That's just dconf lol. It sounds great in theory -- after all, isn't bringing standardization to a chaotic battlefield of different formats a good thing? But in practice it's absolute garbage. I would much rather just edit a config file. Heck, even if you program uses some obscure config format like xml or something language-specific like .lua or .py, I would much rather take a few minutes to learn the specifics of your format than fuck around with dconf. Fuck dconf.

[-] [email protected] 66 points 1 week ago

Thanks, glad you like it! I spent quite some time re-making the template from scratch in inkscape, because the original meme din't have enough space for the text

submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Context for newbies: Linux refers to network adapters (wifi cards, ethernet cards, etc.) by so called "interfaces". For the longest time, the interface names were assigned based on the type of device and the order in which the system discovered it. So, eth0, eth1, wlan0, and wwan0 are all possible interface names. This, however, can be an issue: "the order in which the system discovered it" is not deterministic, which means hardware can switch interface names across reboots. This can be a real issue for things like servers that rely on interface names staying the same.

The solution to this issue is to assign custom names based on MAC address. The MAC address is hardcoded into the network adaptor, and will not change. (There are other ways to do this as well, such as setting udev rules).

Redhat, however, found this solution too simple and instead devised their own scheme for assigning network interface names. It fails at solving the problem it was created to solve while making it much harder to type and remember interface names.

To disable predictable interface naming and switch back to the old scheme, add net.ifnames=0 and biosdevname=0 to your boot paramets.

The template for this meme is called "stop doing math".

submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Firefox on Debian stable is so old that websites yell at you to upgrade to a newer browser. And last time I tried installing Debian testing (or was it debian unstable?), the installer shat itself trying to make the bootloader. After I got it to boot, apt refused to work because of a missing symlink to busybox. Why on earth do they even need busybox if the base install already comes with full gnu coreutils? I remember Debian as the distro that Just Wroks(TM), when did it all go so wrong? Is anyone else here having similar issues, or am I doing something wrong?

submitted 2 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]


Permissive licenses (commonly referred to as "cuck licenses") like the MIT license allow others to modify your software and release it under an unfree license. Copyleft licenses (like the Gnu General Public License) mandate that all derivative works remain free.

Andrew Tanenbaum developed MINIX, a modular operating system kernel. Intel went ahead and used it to build Management Engine, arguably one of the most widespread and invasive pieces of malware in the world, without even as much as telling him. There's nothing Tanenbaum could do, since the MIT license allows this.

Erik Andersen is one of the developers of Busybox, a minimal implementation of that's suited for embedded systems. Many companies tried to steal his code and distribute it with their unfree products, but since it's protected under the GPL, Busybox developers were able to sue them and gain some money in the process.

Interestingly enough, Tanenbaum doesn't seem to mind what intel did. But there are some examples out there of people regretting releasing their work under a permissive license.

[-] [email protected] 86 points 3 weeks ago

Obligatory shilling for unar, I love that little fucker so much

  • Single command to handle uncompressing nearly all formats.
  • No obscure flags to remember, just unar <yourfile>
  • Makes sure output is always contained in a directory
  • Correctly handles weird japanese zip files with SHIFT-JIS filename encoding, even when standard unzip doesn't
submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Explanation: Python is a programming language. Numpy is a library for python that makes it possible to run large computations much faster than in native python. In order to make that possible, it needs to keep its own set of data types that are different from python's native datatypes, which means you now have two different bool types and two different sets of True and False. Lovely.

Mypy is a type checker for python (python supports static typing, but doesn't actually enforce it). Mypy treats numpy's bool_ and python's native bool as incompatible types, leading to the asinine error message above. Mypy is "technically" correct, since they are two completely different classes. But in practice, there is little functional difference between bool and bool_. So you have to do dumb workarounds like declaring every bool values as bool | np.bool_ or casting bool_ down to bool. Ugh. Both numpy and mypy declared this issue a WONTFIX. Lovely.

submitted 2 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Credit for the answer used in the right panel: https://serverfault.com/a/841150

[-] [email protected] 59 points 3 months ago

It's an edit. In the original, the TV screen makes it look like the guy on the left is threatening the guy on the right (the foot looks like a knife). It's meant to be a commentary on how biased media coverage can essentially reverse the roles of the oppressed and the oppressors. And this edit was made to show how in America, republican media coverage tells people that the democrats are "sucking off" leftists, even though democrats don't agree on a lot of things with actual leftists in reality. The caption explaining all of that has been cropped of, you're just meant to know it, which is what makes this meme funny.

[-] [email protected] 65 points 3 months ago

From what I hear, it's also Chinese manufacturers trying to "break in" to the western market by initially operating at a loss. But I doubt how effective of a business strategy that would be, given that there is basically zero brand loyalty on marketplaces like temu. Am I getting my USB dongles from CKXLKY or TOPK? Fuck if I care! Idk tho, maybe the experience is different for people who buy stuff other than cheap electronics.

But yeah, there is 100% slavery involved. It's like the cacao/coffee/chocolate industries, down to the "don't blame us, we're just buying these goods at market prices, like everyone else" excuse. Brother, you are the one setting the market price.

submitted 3 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
[-] [email protected] 110 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

I find that a large number of conspiracy theories are asking the right questions, just not providing the right answers. Does big tech want to control our minds with 5G towers and microchips hidden in covid vaccines? Probably not. Does big tech want to control our minds with social media and invasive advertising? Absolutely. Is the world controlled by a secret society of lizard people? Probably not. Is the world controlled by a not-so-secret society of billionaires and politicians? To a large extent. Even those awful racist or bigoted conspiracy theories start to sound somewhat ~~palpable~~ palatable if you filter out the racist or bigoted part. Do Jews make life for the rest of us miserable by controlling the economy? No. But replace "Jews" with "the owning class", and suddenly it kind of makes sense.

EDIT: Is the government putting chemicals in the water that turn frogs gay? No. Are corporations putting chemicals in water bottles that turn frogs into hermaphrodites? Literally yes

EDIT PART TWO - ELECTRIC BOOGALOO: Palatable, not palpable. Words are hard.

[-] [email protected] 259 points 3 months ago

A technology that was made To Stop Criminals™ being used against a political whistleblower? Color me surprised! (thanks for sharing the link btw, didn't know about that)

Even paper glows (lemmy.world)
submitted 3 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
[-] [email protected] 61 points 3 months ago

Accurate. LaTeX is great, it makes you feel like you have superpowers compared to "office suite"-style software. But every once in a while you just run into some bullshit that feels like it's stuck in 1985 and it completely breaks your flow. I remember wanting to make a longtable where text in the "date" column would be rotated by 90 degrees to leave more horizontal room for the other columns. It took me two rotateboxes, a phantom, a vspace, a hspace and 40 minutes of my life to get the alignment right. Would probably have taken a duckduckgo search and three clicks in Libreoffice.

submitted 3 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Please dont take this seriously guys its just a dumb meme I haven't written a single line of code in half of these languages

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Many "alternative" search engines are better for privacy, but they are still vulnerable to censorship, because they rely on g**gle and m*crosoft's indices for their search results. This isn't a deep-hidden secret either, many of them disclose what search index they use on the "about" page, for example:

There are still search engines that (claim to) maintain their own index. Most surprisingly, br*ve:

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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