i don't know why but i'm really happy with that first shot :neofox_aww:
@[email protected] niby tam jakiś hajs poszedł na odrestaurowanie tej Mławskiej Dojazdówki ale eeeeeeh
przykro patrzeć
@[email protected] i think nowhere in the world approaches narrow-gauge lines with such care and unmatched attention as Switzerland
i mean come on they have lots of electrified very serious meter gauge lines with modern rolling stock and regular local operators using them :neofox_woozy:
@[email protected] coś tam stoi jeszcze na Mławie Wąskotorowej ale w jeszcze bardziej żałosnym stanie
@[email protected] leć leć zanim złomiarze rozbiorą albo lokalna społeczność do końca zdemoluje xD
te zdjęcia to zrobione na bocznicy o tu: https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=52.914402&mlon=20.968748#map=17/52.914402/20.968748
some more
#photography #trainspotting
@[email protected] sometimes we have heritage trains running with steam locomotives :3 god i need to be on one of those someday
@[email protected] silly Regio Flirt160 with just a single door per trailer modified to be long-distance :neofox_woozy:
this photo was shot after sundown at ISO 12800 :neofox_woozy: