[-] [email protected] 111 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

I thought the idea was that Republicans are actively working on destroying what has been working fine and is benefitting lots of people, not just on preventing more progress.

[-] [email protected] 80 points 8 months ago

While it's sad to see all these games begin to die a slow death, in reality, many of these titles are incredibly old and on last-gen platforms such as Xbox 360 or PlayStation 3.

Yet much older games are still playable without functionality loss.

You don't need upgrades to online services. You need to stop locking down games.

[-] [email protected] 287 points 8 months ago

Still seems way overpriced. Doesn't even have name recognition anymore.

[-] [email protected] 77 points 8 months ago

A monopoly trying to lock in browsers isn't going to last in the EU.

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

It's been over five years since the last one, so it seems about time to do another one.

I want to be as thorough as possible. But I don't want to do 357 separate threads. Or rather, I don't want to post once per day for 357 separate days.

So I could post groups of threads at once, one thread per episode/movie, which would work fine for search engines. But it is spammy.

The other extreme would be one thread per season. I'm not sure if the character limit is going to allow for it, and breaking it up into multiple posts within the thread would be less clean.

Or I could do one thread per roughly 7 episodes. That seems to be an okay grouping, in terms of having multi-part stories in the same thread. Will occasionally cross seasons, though.

As for content, last time I felt like I was being overly negative, because it's easier to comment on what I don't like. So I want to have some regular sections, and I'm open to suggestions.

First dealing with the negative, and trying be constructive about it:

Why this episode doesn't work (optional).

How this episode could've worked, imagining what could've been happening off-screen.

And how it could've been done differently (changing the existing scenes).

Then more neutral:

Stats, like death count for characters, or maybe resurrection count, because not everyone has that.

What's new in this episode, like first contact with a species/civilization, a world, a tech, gaining an ally/enemy (or a Major players appearance count, accompanied by a stat for significant one-offs), defeating an enemy (although maybe not, since that could be a spoiler for who's coming back). Could have stats for lost worlds, ships, etc.

Then positive, or highlights: A fun scene, an interesting idea, new potential, good acting (although generally I don't comment on performances).

I also want to build on my own theories. Such as what an apparently abandoned world could be used for, how low-key allies could be more involved, how new tech could be used (instead of only being used to solve a new problem, and then forgotten about), or how vulnerabilities could've been exploited. Adding up across the series, each of the series, over time. If that isn't too complicated. Ultimately, with each new path taken, the story could branch into its own alternate reality.

Maybe separate that out to supplemental threads.

And finally or maybe put this at the top, plot summary, general commentary.

If I go with the 7 episodes a thread option, I guess an apt thread title would be; "2023 rewatch 2/52, Stargate SG-1 Season 1 E01-E07". And something like "2023 Stargate rewatch Supplement A, Alliance of the Four Great Races".

[-] [email protected] 77 points 9 months ago

In 2003, the World Wide Web was still in its infancy. Dial-up connections were still the default and YouTube, Facebook, and Gmail had yet to be invented.

I'd argue it had reached its prime. Websites were just websites then, not data harvesting machines.

[-] [email protected] 130 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

They shouldn't. They're not apologizing for what they're doing, but are behaving like politicians, changing the rhetoric to try to get people to like what they're going to do anyway.

[-] [email protected] 79 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Barely. They were in the G8. Even after being kicked out trade kept going as normal, new pipelines were being built, nuclear power plants were being shut down because who needs a fallback?

Saudi Arabia gets full honors on the international stage, despite publicly executing people for criticizing the government or having independent thought, and cutting up a journalist in a consulate abroad.

[-] [email protected] 187 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

People are kept in prison without a conviction, for not affording bail. Owing a thousand times the lifetime earnings of other people should at the very least mean all your accounts and holdings are frozen, and you can't spend anything without getting independent approval every time.

[-] [email protected] 73 points 10 months ago

Even if you had like no morals at all, that type of behavior has to disqualify someone from being a surgeon. They're sabotaging the work they're supposed to be doing.

[-] [email protected] 159 points 10 months ago

Pretty shitty of GoFundMe to allow that type of collection, too. "Please help us force people to sleep on the streets".

[-] [email protected] 89 points 11 months ago

Not doing business in a country that is not your own is the easiest thing anyone can do.

[-] [email protected] 77 points 1 year ago

Using underpaid prison labor to deny people access to well-paying jobs, forcing more people into difficult situations.

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Ifølge Reuters har Mondelez allereie redusert produksjonen i Russland, og innan 2024 skal verksemda vere skilt ut frå resten av selskapet, seier dei i ei fråsegn.

Har tapt pengar

I Noreg og Sverige eig Mondelez Freia og Marabou, som den siste tida har opplevd å bli boikotta av fleire norske verksemder som ei følge av den ukrainske svartelistinga.

Men fleire av desse, som Elkjøp, Norwegian og Widerøe, valde onsdag å snu og avslutte boikotten.

Medan andre, som hotellkjeda Strawberry og SAS, valde å halde fram å boikotte.

– For oss handlar det om Mondelez som eigar og deira rolle i Russland, noko Ukrainas liste synleggjer, ikkje enkeltprodukt eller Freia, sa kommunikasjonssjef i SAS, Tonje Sund onsdag.

Får se hva de faktisk gjør i løpet av de nærmeste månedene, men det blir uttrykt her at det hjelper å boikotte selskap. At vi ikke er for små til å merkes i markedet.

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