[-] [email protected] 11 points 1 week ago

So, when we drive up to Georgia or South Carolina from Florida, there's a point on I-75 where the Jesus billboards come out. Many of them are the usual "Babies have heartbeats" variety, but there's also the following:

  • "Have you decided yet ... Jesus" which we always render in an exasperated voice, aka "OMG have you decided yet? Jesus!"
  • "Go ahead, let go. I'll catch you - Jesus" which we always respond to with "WTF Jesus just reach down and grab me, you're RIGHT THERE!"
  • "Jesus is in control" with mysterious Russian tanks and American soldiers.
  • Zombies and Jesus for ... reasons.
[-] [email protected] 14 points 1 week ago

Please stay to the end because it's important, and it's going to be a horrible bait and switch but it's not INTENDED that way. I can't think of another way to present the difficult combination of interests that seem to be driving MS software lately.

I actually quite like Windows 11, and I love Edge when they're doing their core functions. Windows 11 is reasonably solid and useful for normal use. Edge is faster than Chrome and has the best vertical tabs implementation on the planet. Much of the baseline software that Microsoft is putting out has never been better, and is often really good at doing the basic things software should do. I really do feel like the genuine technology people in Microsoft are trying, and often succeeding, to make good technology products.

But... the bottom-feeder marketing drones and MBAs got their hands on them and started layering creepier and creepier nonsense over the top. Mandatory logins to glorified data collection engines. Monetization strategies masquerading as features. Overt advertisement. Heavy-handed promotion of Microsoft's own products. I finally stopped using Edge (on Linux!) when I discovered that just looking at the settings the wrong way would re-enable every intrusive setting imaginable and ditched Windows entirely when I saw the same things creeping into the OS (as well as a general disgust with privately-owned OSes in general). They are destroying trust.

In the great irony of my life, because normally work PC Windows installs have been hot garbage, I have Win11 on a work laptop and it's actually really great to use since all of the intrusive stuff is turned off by our security team. I would still prefer linux or macos (in that order), but as a "forced to use it" option, it's not bad at all. Go back and read that again: it's a pleasant and easy to use OS if all the intrusive marketing functionality is turned off because it presents a security hazard.

PS. Not sacrificing anything being predominantly linux-based and am in fact far, far more efficient on linux (and I am not a programmer or in any other technology role).

[-] [email protected] 11 points 1 month ago

I am similarly cis gender, straight male (much to my more fluid spouse's amusement and dismay). I've just found the fem- voice actors to be better. Femshep, the female lead in Ghost Recon Wildlands, etc. Or maybe it's that the brah actors for the male characters sound so consistently dumb. And now it's just a thing I do.

PS. I hope you love yourself.

[-] [email protected] 10 points 1 month ago

11 months later …

NixOS looks interesting whoosh sucked into a warp

[-] [email protected] 7 points 1 month ago

And that's without counting the roll-your-own variants. uBlue has been a remarkable project.

[-] [email protected] 10 points 2 months ago

I’m still saucy (in magnitude, bechamel not mole) that the version numbering is yy.n (24.2) and not yy.nn (24.02). The actual versioning combines the “was there a version .1?” problem with a sorting issue if there’s both 24.2 and 24.10.

[-] [email protected] 9 points 2 months ago

I look back on learning to live with NixOS and laugh. It made my brain hurt, and if I'd only found the Misterio77 repo sooner, it would've saved a lot of premature aging. But, if you have some basic familiarity with programming concepts, it's an easy OS to live with, just different. And so, so, so, so powerful.

They do desperately need a set of opinionated example builds and much better documentation.

[-] [email protected] 15 points 2 months ago

My kid, believe it or not, uses a NixOS laptop regularly. He doesn't configure it yet, but honestly I'm not afraid of him having a go. When I was just about his age, I was figuring out DOS without the Internet to help, and while it was orders of a magnitude simpler, the documentation was orders of a magnitude more sparse too. Any of the big, well-documented distros (Ubuntu, Debian, NixOS (for some values of well-documented anyway), Fedora) would be fine. Honestly, I'd even let him loose with Arch at this point, or even Linux From Scratch.

[-] [email protected] 9 points 8 months ago

Yeah, I will definitely try another live iso. The ONLY possible lead I have is that in btop there's a .gnome-session entry that pops to the top of the list when the pause happens, but (a) the peak displayed CPU usage is like 10%, and (b) I can't figure out what it is. So I'm going to try both a KDE session and maybe a new user just to see if there might be something config-related. Though, again, I didn't change anything in my nix config.

Part of my issue is that I'm not even sure how to describe what's happening to search to see if it's a known issue in recent kernels, gnome, etc. I keep descending into insane metaphors, like "it's sort of like when the cat is about to throw up a hairball and everything pauses while the horror unfolds in front of you."

[-] [email protected] 15 points 8 months ago



[-] [email protected] 7 points 9 months ago

Thanks to COVID and work from home and smartphones and Teams/Zoom, I've gone from an hour commute each way to a constant stream of meetings, texts, emails, IMs, etc. that must be addressed immediately, from 8am to 6pm. I don't think the "back in my day" folks fully understand how much more people are asked to do now. I once obliterated an older colleague when he complained that youngs these days don't put in half the hours he used to. I was like "Um, you used to go to the print office and wait four hours for prints to come out, take them back to the office, proof them, then take the documents to the courthouse and file them in person. In the same time, I'm responding to 100 emails, reviewing 20 documents ON MY PHONE, conducting 3 conference calls, listening to 2 coworkers' breakdowns, and drafting, reviewing, printing, proofing, and submitting the documents you used to sit and wait for." To his credit, he said I was right and I never had a problem with him again.

All of which is a long way of saying that, sometimes, more often than I would like, I can't just "go to the restaurant" because of time or because I'm no longer commuting. For all their problems, the apps mean that I'm eating fewer frozen pizzas and more poke bowls and salads.

[-] [email protected] 9 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Not to mention schools release at like 2:30. Need your kid taken care of after that? It'll be a few hundred $/mo for an after-school program. Sorry working parents.

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