
joined 11 months ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago

You better add Apple care to the price. I something happens to the Macbook, it will be expensive to fix.

Also, you better be sure you won't need more storage or memory in the future.

I had the choice to make, I had an M1 Macbook air which I dropped. The damages/dents were not enough for Applecare to fix it. There is also a deductible, so it's not free.

I also got a Macbook M1 pro which I had to baby because I would likely be cost prohibitive to fix.

The Framework laptop is definitely not the best laptop in the world, but for the first time, it feels like my laptop, I have full control on the hardware, a good upgrade path and it's easy to fix myself in case of problem, I can get all the parts very easily.

It looks like it might not be the laptop for you, and that's fine.