
joined 10 months ago

I got my FW13 AMD DIY Edition today, spent the morning setting it up, installing drivers and updates - it came earlier than FedEx said it would, which is a bonus. I was so nervous that I was going to find something in the build quality or the setup process which put me off and I'm so thrilled to say that I found nothing of the sort.

I've come from daily driving a MacBook Pro since 2014 and for the last couple of years I've been utterly sick and tired of Apple's antics. I've had my 2019 MBP in for repair 4 times for a faulty keyboard, each time they had to replace the entire top case of the machine, just ludicrous. That said, Apple know how to make good feeling hardware. The Framework, whilst there are some compromises for the repairability aspect and the speakers aren't great (but I knew this anyway, I never use them so it's fine for me), it's an excellent machine. I'm really looking forward to getting to grips with it more and I hope to never reach for my MacBook again so I can sell it and get it out of my house.

Super excited to join you folks! The wait since I ordered in June was so worth it.


Very excited! Been hyping myself up for this for months now, every email I got from Framework leading up to it made my heart sink... and then I finally received this a few minutes ago! ๐ŸŽ‰

I didn't buy an SSD through Framework, looking for some solid recommendations that don't cost the earth but are fairly fast if anyone has anything that's worked particularly well for them? Time to ditch my tired old MacBook!