I never trust cops, I’m a disabled neurodivergent transbian. A good chunk of the things that cops’ (and by extension the billionaires who pay them) hate and want to destroy
joined 2 days ago
My mom was a CPS agent for many years and a lot of that is out of their hands for various reasons. Mainly no budget in many areas, shitty judges unwilling to allow the kids to be moved, or if they can move the kids there is no one who will take them.
Doesn’t mean there aren’t shitty agents and supervisors, there are quite a few people who apply who are not qualified or have blatant issues.
Hi! I plan to, just need to settle in yet! Currently looking for a ios client that has the voting buttons on the left side (while scrolling) or has an option to move them over there as I am left handed and it’s just easier for me
Yep this is what finally did it for me to ditch that piece of junk
Who could’ve ever possibly imagined that this would happen?
Oh anyone who can put two and two together…