
joined 10 months ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 9 months ago

An absolute disaster of a result. I went from being excited to watch Serbian football in July to feeling almost indifferent to everyone from Zvezda to Čukarički and the NT.

After starting strong and getting wins vs TSC, Fiorentina, Fener, Zenit etc in preparation for the season everything turned to shit just three months later. After many signings the only ones that turned decent so far have been Glazer, Hwang and Stamenic. Krasso looks like he doesn't even want to play, Olayinka hasn't played a full game in a while, Djiga isn't close to the player Erakovic was, Degenek hasn't even played at all, Ndiaye looks like a worse Pavkov and the list just goes on and on. On top of that both Ivanic and Katai which were our main offensive weapons in our earlier season either got hurt or are completely out of form. The only one that sort of did stuff in offense is Bukhari but he just isn't good enough to drag us anywhere.

It just seems like Bakhar has no idea what his first and second 11 are, and just randomly changes certain players from time to time. Where are Degenek and Kangwa? Why are they not getting any minutes? What is going on with Krasso and Olayinka who both looked great in July/August?

Also, i don't ever want to see Lucic in our shirt again. I don't dislike him as a person but the kid just has no place anywhere close to our first team. He loses the ball so often, can barely dribble and is slow most of the time.

This team either needs a whole year to play together to get anywhere or major changes in defense (a solid CB and a solid left back) and a much faster and technically gifted player on the left wing plus Krasso as a false9 or a distributing CF

A disaster of a year, on par with our last season in Europe and even worse in our league

[–] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago

Well, it was good while it lasted. In a year and a half it's back to the 1st/2nd round of qualifiers...