[-] [email protected] 79 points 4 months ago

Yep. Same. I do pretty good for myself and I'm more fortunate than most, but I had to borrow money from my dad recently for a series of expenses I couldn't absorb in real time. I got the "you don't know how to budget" sermon. It felt as fun as you'd expect

I said fuck it and gave him a list of earnings and expenses (I'm pretty frugal) and he was like, "oh..."

[-] [email protected] 83 points 4 months ago

There is a 100% chance this warning correlates with the actual content on this site being hot garbage

[-] [email protected] 68 points 5 months ago

Strap in. It's an election year

[-] [email protected] 80 points 6 months ago

Why do people still pay attention to this blowhard? He was a smarmy asshole even when I agreed with him. Now he's leaning into right wing culture war shit to try to remain relevant.

[-] [email protected] 70 points 6 months ago

Fascism, uhhhh... finds a way

[-] [email protected] 75 points 6 months ago

Yeah, except the Czech Republic will probably take meaningful steps to ensure it doesn't happen again

[-] [email protected] 77 points 8 months ago

Funny how these neither right nor left types always seem to skew a certain way

[-] [email protected] 74 points 9 months ago

So Vatican 3 basically.

Back in the day mass was done entirely in Latin and the priest didn't address the congregation. This didn't change until the '60s. Some sects are still pissed off over it

[-] [email protected] 70 points 10 months ago

I got pulled over a couple of months ago and the cop told me to put it in park. I wiggled the stick back and forth to show it was in neutral and they thought I was fucking with them and kept saying to put it in park. Idiots

[-] [email protected] 66 points 11 months ago

I mean, you don't even need to go that far back. 2016 green presidential candidate Jill Stein literally rubbed elbows with Putin and Mike Flynn in 2015

[-] [email protected] 70 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

An old restaurant I worked at hired a new chef. He came in, completely rearranged the kitchen, changed the menu top to bottom ON HIS FIRST DAY, and introduced a bunch of complicated specials. Dinner service hits, chaos ensues and dude disappears.

I was on expo watching everything fall apart when one of the line cooks is like, "get chef,I don't know how to make this special because there's no recipe or notes"

I go into the walk in and he's haunched over in there and violently turns, around inhaling, all bug eyed. I told him we needed help. He doesn't hide his annoyance goes on the line, makes the one dish in question and is like, "see, that wasn't difficult" and disappeared again.

The line cook asked why I had the look on my face that I did and I said it was because chef was doing rails in the walk in. We both laughed, shook our heads and got through service eventually. Drugs are pretty common in the service industry but even that seemed extreme.

Anyhow we didn't see him for the rest of the night. Next day, I get to work and the owner is there and he pulls me aside and told me what happened after. Owner didn't even know he'd been snorting shit during the dinner rush

Chef continued his one man party and went into the booze closet and proceeded to help himself. When the prep cook showed up the next morning the kitchen door was wide open so she called the police thinking the place had been robbed. The police went in and found Chef semi conscious and incoherent, giggling in the office. He was fired and since he was a keyholder all the locks and alarm codes had to be changed

I've never seen someone self destruct that spectacularly.

To have been a fly on the wall when they called the other guy chef beat out for the gig and told him he could start immediately...

[-] [email protected] 72 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Yeah, this shit is getting old really quickly.

What client I use doesn't affect your experience. I and lots of others are reddit refugees and I used sync for years. I'm ecstatic to have the interface back.

Bullshit gatekeeping and bickering over ideological purity doesn't help anyone. At the end of the day, lemmy is confusing for someone accustomed to reddit. There is a learning curve. Most of us just want to exchange info and converse. I don't give a fuck to learn about FOSS and all that other bullshit any more than any of you want to learn the specialized minutiae I have to sift through at my day job.

Shut the fuck up already. This sort of discourse lands like a bunch of shitty kids meeting at a half empty bar all criticizing how one another got there

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