Auf die Kernforderung wohl schon
Auf die Kernforderung wohl schon
I have 16/4 mbit in the middle of berlin :|.
Watched it today and could not stop myself from referencing life of brian, when paul said he was not the messiah.
Whenever this gets discussed, a bunch of status quo warriors pop out of wells to say "Trump is worse." Like, no shit.
Yes, but it still needs to be said every time because it would be detremental to leave even the tiniest chance for this (valid) critique of Biden to help Trump in the presidential election. That is why I think it's inportant to point out the obvious (Trump is way worse) because it is obvious to most but might not be to some and it would be a massive Issue if those people could take this discourse as reason not to vote for Biden in november.
Joink as in stealing (I have no fucking clue how to spell that maybe it should be yoink idk?)
I am joinking this
War (früher jedenfalls) bei meinem Varer so, da waren die meißten Türen zwischen Fluren nur mit der Smartcard zu öffnen und auf dem Weg zum Klo waren eigentlich immer solche Türen. Denke mal, man hätte die z.T. auch so irgendwie auf bekommen (Branschutz und so) aber würde denke ich nen Alarm auslösen.
Deswegen gehen die Türen ja auch mit dem selben auf (z.B. Smartcard) und man bekommt nur einen.
Thanks, I didn't know this was an option :D.
Yeah, but is there a way to download flatpacks for an Install at another time?
I wanna be able to install it at a later point in time (for example when I reinstall my system)
Their git hub is gone
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