you have just told me that you are not voting in the next election. I can appreciate your morality and idealism, but if you're realistic for even a half second you'd know you're voting against the greater good.
Who are you voting for that is going to stop the genocide?
Thanks this is a good example! however I think the conspiracy about Democrats wanting a big win instead of what's good for the people is probably not true, especially absent of evidence.
The min wage is ticking up in more places (and it is not at the behest of republicans...), and the Biden admin increased wages in the places they could (fed workers) via executive order.
It totally makes sense to be annoyed at the glacial pace of progress in the United States, but we can't possibly pretend that there is an equivalence between the two choices that we are presented with.
If the common sentiment that we're more divided than ever is accurate, how could this possibly be true? Wouldn't the differences grow? Can you name policy positions that are identical between parties? If I look at healthcare, taxation, infrastructure, education, foreign policy, welfare, business regulation, environmental policy, social issues etc. it is pretty clear cut to me. How do you justify your both-side-ism?
You must be referring to the peaceful tour in which people were bludgeoned, trespassed, and shot in an attempt to stop the certification of a democratic election. Please don't exaggerate!! (:
Because they failed miserably to market it tbh. Apple is a marketing company that also makes computers that I think are cool sometimes
Wow yeah that is ridiculous lol. I have only seen MKBHD and Norm from Tested talk about it, and I sought those out. Marketing aside I think once they refine the product and price point it could be pretty compelling! I hope nobody is crossing streets with it in the meantime....
good point. there are plenty of duds to be fair, but vision pro seems like it could be the start of something really cool for VR
anyone shitting on apple's innovation clearly has not used m1/2 etc. I'm not a fanboy but m1 is an absolute gamechanger for me as a dev. It is night and day. Truly mindblowing levels of performance compared to top spec intels from a few years ago
Have you seen much marketing for it? I've had to seek it out. Vision pro is pretty neat to me, especially with how sharp it is and the ability to use with my macbook seamlessly, but sure as shit ain't worth 3,500. I think there are really well-executed ideas in there. That is what Apple does, not necessarily invent from scratch, but refine a concept and work it into their pretty walled garden.
It doesn't seem like Apple is aiming to make massive profit off this, seems very very gen 1 early adopter limited run. Seems odd to me there would be a full on marketing blitz other than fanboy and tech enthusiast reviews and hype.
e: i accidentally a word
I'm not saying if there were no guns, but fewer, and more tightly regulated. I think this particular law is not a solution by any means to be clear, but at least it's something. You make the same points here that I see against gun control and regulation more broadly, so I'm speaking to that as well.
I mean the difference between a gun and that stuff that a gun is designed to kill things -- humans. It's not exactly comparable to a pencil or even propane which is comparatively very safe. The US has an extremely high per capita rate of firearm violence, even ignoring suicides which are a huge problem. We don't have a propane problem
I am hopeful laws that have a bigger, more positive effect can be passed
yeah, and as much as it sucks that it's true, you're throwing away your vote. I would love to have a replacement to the two party system and first past the pole but that's not the reality in which we currently exist