This is hilarious
Ever heard of Darfur?
Also seems like this is an image from a few months ago:
Edit: when I made this comment, there were no comments appearing under yours, but apparently there are many 😅
That's fair! Takes time to get used to. Modern editors make this easier by highlighting the current indent level, or can even make the top X lines of the current closure "stick" to the top of the editor for those really long blocks.
i got yer rent control right here 🔫
A mix of both is better for their teeth. Wet is good for hydration (which cats are bad at), whereas dry is good for teeth. I know some cats who have lost teeth, but my 7/yo has extremely healthy ones and we've never had to do any sort of dentistry
We give her wet & dry together, twice a day and a handful of "Feline Greenie" treats throughout the day which allegedly help with dental hygiene. I have no reason to doubt so far!
Correct, I linked the source of the quote. My implication is the general idea is applicable here. Is python one of these languages where it is idiomatic to nest code deeply?
Flat is better than nested.
From the python I have seen and written, deep nesting is avoided.
Just curious, what about spaces made it hard? What language would have been easier? In curly brace languages, 99% of the time, a curly brace is followed by a line break and an indent. Python is similar except it's typically a colon, line break, then indent.
What I have learned is: If the code is indented too deeply, it's a code problem, not the language.
Torvalds infamously wrote:
"... if you need more than 3 levels of indentation, you're screwed anyway, and should fix your program."
The butts are also soft and fibrous
Total download size: Jquery - 72,553 bytes ES6 - 3,567 bytes
This is such a contrived example. I welcome the author to toil away in jquery based projects in the real world.
IMO if you can believe in a religion, you are a dangerous person. You quite literally believe in a fairy tale. Just as plausible santa claus exists. If you can suspend your critical thinking to that degree, what can't you believe? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯