Wearing a condom and showering are how you prevent those. There are slight to moderate reductions in a few STDs/STIs, but wearing a condom is the actual prevention method instead of a coin flip. This isn't to mention that cutting or burning a portion of a human off should probably involve some consent.
I linked an article with commentary, yes. When I read the original comment myself I was very put off by the tone/apparent attitude toward the subject. I still think it was an innocuous change they could have merged -- I would've. I think the author of Ladybird is probably not a misogynist, but to be so blunt and dismissive on that PR was a questionable look IMO.
He's probably a nice guy ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
We estimate that free-ranging domestic cats kill 1.3–4.0 billion birds and 6.3–22.3 billion mammals annually. Un-owned cats, as opposed to owned pets, cause the majority of this mortality
The founder of Ladybird said some questionable stuff that he walked back. You be the judge: https://text.tchncs.de/latenightblog/ladybird-browser-and-drama
[Brendan Eich, founder of Brave made a] 2008 donation of $1,000 to California Proposition 8, which called for the banning of same-sex marriage in California,[18]and donations in the amount of $2,100 to Proposition 8 supporter Tom McClintockbetween 2008 and 2010.
It also has optional ads to pay you in crypto. I view 99% of crypto as a scam btw
You can keep them safe and happy inside though. Also, you can train them to walk on a leash -- it isn't easy, but perfectly doable. My cat enjoys her brief supervised forays into the back yard or basking on the balcony in the sun.
The Romans besieged Veii and dug a tunnel beneath the city. Camillus attacked the city on all sides so as to distract the Veientines. The Romans then emerged from the tunnel and their forces quickly overwhelmed Veii.
I require more deets
Too many were hired irresponsibly, which is not the fault of the worker.
All true! I suppose I replied to a comment saying sites were nonfunctional, but that's more extreme than what I mean. The only nonfunctional sites Ive read about are from hackernews threads talking about WebGPU.
Frankly, if something doesn't work in Firefox, thats like <5% market share. Probably lower for a lot of segments. I am familiar with webdev :) Let's not pretend most devs are checking caniuse for everything. Some sites leverage bleeding edge stuff that necessarily requires chrome, which is also fine. IRL people don't optimize for Firefox and that's usually okay, but sometimes there are quirks. That's all I'm saying
Big unicode doesn't want you to know this one simple trick