[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago

Fossil fuels have to be eliminated by 2050. Why wage war for something we won't even need in 25 years.

I don't think that fossil fuel usage will be eliminated in 25 years given the opposition to mass nuclear deployment. I think this would ideally be a carrot that dictates green energy buildouts in exchange for subsidized oil.

[-] [email protected] 0 points 1 day ago

That's why we don't take all the oil, just the offshore oil. It's significantly more difficult to conduct terrorism when you have to swim to it.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago

This analysis is from 2019 and it doesn't break down the cost difference for onshore vs. offshore oil. But it estimates the cost for the Saudi's at $8.98/barrel (approximately $11.01 in todays dollars).

Do you have the analysis where it says $25+/barrel. It is certainly possible that production costs have risen significantly in the last half decade.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago

If the top tier candidates Harris is polling the best. Which is surprising to me, but it's hard to dismiss the data.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 3 days ago

Yes it went up pretty sharply from 2020 to 2023 rising from 28% to 41%, but went up even more sharply from 2023 to the present rising from 41% to 55%, 10% less than it's all-time high in 1993 and just 3 points less than it's dot com bubble fueled peak in 2001 of 58%.

It's notable as generally in the US support or indifference for immigration has been high during periods of economic growth and low during recessions. But our economic data says we're not in a recession. It implies that something has either changed with the drivers of American's opinions on immigration or that the economic data is incorrect or incomplete.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 3 days ago

Big poll energy.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 3 days ago

Given that the trend started in 2020, I wonder how much of this trend is Economically driven rather than politically driven.

submitted 3 days ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 4 days ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
[-] [email protected] -1 points 5 days ago

The Saudis don't have a Navy. About half their reserves and a massive chunk of Iran, Kuwait and the other Gulf State's reserves are in the Gulf. We don't have to set foot on the Peninsula.

[-] [email protected] -1 points 5 days ago

The issue with the Gulf Wars is that we wanted to control the oil resources via local proxy. Honestly, we (the US, I realize this is on the Europe@) could use our Navy to directly control about half of Saudi Arabia's oil and buy ourselves time to get off oil.

[-] [email protected] 25 points 6 days ago

How many primary debates did the DNC hold this year?

[-] [email protected] 15 points 6 days ago

Neither is calling the president an ineloquent loser without having an alternative. So stop acting like complaining is the answer.

Complaining is the answer. Biden shouldn't have ran in the first place, his Cabinet should have threatened to 25th Amendment him if he decided to run again. He's going through dementia. And most importantly he's loosing in the polls especially so in 6 out of the 7 swing states. And voters considering Biden state that his age and competence is their #1 reservation keeping them from voting for him. RFK has nearly 10% in some places a couple of percentage points from himeams that he'll beat Trump amd what he needs to do is adress his obvious shortcomings.

But unless rank and file Democrats complain, nothing will change. They didn't complain enough before the faux-primary and now they need to complain even more now.

You want to replace Biden? Come up with a viable candidate that can beat Trump or realize that Biden is the best we’re gonna get before November and deal with it.

Harris, Butttiget, Booker, Whitmer and one other person whose name I can't recall at this time were polling withing 2 points of Biden's clip last week. According to this poll Harris polling ahead of Biden and beating Trump nationally in polling. While I'm not sold on a Harris Presidency because of her very poor record; I think she's in the best position to take over.

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