[-] [email protected] 1 points 2 days ago

Curious and not knowledgeable about the politic system of the USA but Harris appears to be the current VP. Shouldn't she be entirely in the loop? This would substitute perfectly; And Biden could still be VP if he is (and to me apparently he does) in for the purpose of the American citizen?

I had this thought and saw something today about the election were Biden-Harris was mentioned. FINALLY I thought. Is there something I am missing?

[-] [email protected] 1 points 2 days ago


You suggested that one can change user agents, once (and here is room for debate) firefox is not working properly. At least this is what I carry around from our convo!


Yeah, because you still managed to propagate assumptions which may be hard to reason about objectively.

pocket already exists to push ads down my throat, should I wish it to ;)

That's about available sources. But I agree that just 5% of articles within their topics do not force cookies. If Mozilla would reside in the EU Pocket would have much higher quality (since I think to recall these sources are hand picked).

[-] [email protected] -1 points 2 days ago

More nonsense.

Is everything you put up to address my comment.

I did use a text browser. But you apparently fail their purpose. I pipe <html/> into it so that I can't be fooled by such propaganda-spitting guys.. (...).

... fascist platforms that aren't ...

You implied bad about me, so I reason this post with that.

... changing your useragent ...

Sounds harder than triggering a flag for a feature which aims at serving you, the user.

Your next sentence, minus the next propaganda, makes me wonder:

This is pointless hypothetical FUD with little existing precedence (...) so you can find a way to not hold Mozilla accountable for being a shit platform that's supporting ad culture again.

By "This" you mean the topic? I already prompted you my point of view; You didn't address it. You falsely accuse Mozilla of pushing advertisements down ones throat. Obv. wrong. This undermines my point which I made in order to aid your shortcomings I saw.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 3 days ago

The most important thing about terminal multiplexers is that you have to atart them with the terminal command. e.g. yourterminal --startcommand=tmux.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 4 days ago

Wtf happend with #30? Did they edit him out? Other majors are shown. Why would that be?

[-] [email protected] 2 points 4 days ago

He could get some bearfoot shoes.

[-] [email protected] 11 points 4 days ago

vim is more then simple file editing.

  • netrw (interactive file manager)
  • copen/lopen (windows to connect, e.g. external programs)
  • :global, %s/, etc. which form text manipulation language (from editor ed, I guess)
  • args & argsdo (multi-file editing)
  • filetype (hooks for the user)
  • ctrl_X completion modes
  • motion (fluent & with jumplist to walk forward/backwardl
  • undotree (persisting, unlimited, timebased - on-demand)
  • macros (record and replay keypress)
  • romainl (awesome community member)

vim for one-time tasks at work. When people are proposing to script something, I open buffers, normalize the data and filter the results. I think in vim and I would very, very much recommend it, if you work with data or are a dev.

[-] [email protected] 14 points 5 days ago

Just substitute with mate, bro

[-] [email protected] 2 points 6 days ago

Valid option, so thanks.

I do not like to be bound by ALDI in order to renew my SIM, though.

[-] [email protected] 4 points 6 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

There is a plan matching my needs from BNESIM!

No expiry and e.g. 5 GB would be plenty.

The perfect answer, Sir or Madam. Appreciated very much!!

//edit: You can't activate this eSIM from other OS then Android/iOS (proprietary app). After one activation things are gone. Grml.

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