
joined 1 week ago
[–] [email protected] 10 points 2 days ago

I'm eager to see how the clown expects to ever be trusted again - randomly cancelling his own and ages old treaties at will or using threats to do so for "negotiations" (not to speak threats of annexation of former allies), what's left for positive diplomacy once he comes to see he needs it?


Gode nyheder i hele EU: Arbejdsløsheden falder yderligere.

Men er der nogen, der har forklaringen på, hvorfor Eurostat tæller 224.000 arbejdsløse i Danmark og »kun«115.395, sæsonkorrigeret omkring 63.000 (og hvis arbejdsløse »falder ud« af vores officielle optælling - hvor kommer EU-tallet så fra)?


"Hopefully, the rest of Europe will take note."

[–] [email protected] 24 points 1 week ago

Would be great indeed but I fear there won't be"that moment where he realizes ...". In his view he's doing everything right for his audience (grifter in chief, Putin, billionaires). Nevertheless "chapeau!" to the protesters, well framed in the ski resort setting - always to remind the amount of taxpayer paid relaxation while others suffer from their actions.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 1 week ago

Congrats! It's amazing how Ukraine is keeping up and innovating warfare with their home developed weapons (not certain if that applies here but truly amazing to me!). A lot to learn for Europe defense.