[-] [email protected] 9 points 8 hours ago

You realise that every one of those talking points is a red herring to help throw you off the actual Republican agenda.

Heritage Foundation and others working behind the scenes non-stop to rig every system and tear down support services and destroy safety nets. Milk the ever living lights out of everyone not in the upper-tiers. A new domestic economic slavery class.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 2 days ago

And that is why the defenders of Democracy, the Democratic National Committee, cannot EVER allow him to come even this close to becoming a candidate or any candidate.

[-] [email protected] -1 points 2 days ago

search google smart cycle light autosense brake light.

[-] [email protected] 17 points 2 days ago

check the notes on the German / Weirmar Republic politics. Fun Times Ahead!

[-] [email protected] 5 points 2 days ago

After Nov2024, guess who will be in the office to deck Motorcade One with Cybertrucks to stop bullets!

[-] [email protected] 1 points 2 days ago

IBM stopped being relevant since the PC days. The moment the IBM exec who claimed that the market has in-demand for only "5-Mini computers", IBM lost the plot a long long time ago.

Right now, IBM is mostly a holding corp. THey buy stuff, destroy it, and buy more stuff. Most of IBM innovations and engineers have moved on to other companies. IBM have zero or close-to-zero amount of real tech or IP. Most of it is just fluff and overblown BS.

Redhat was already attempting being "like IBM" even before the buyout. But a lot of IBM techs were transferred over to Redhat.

Redhat or IBM is just the lesser of evils. It is like blaming the Abacus maker or the calculator maker for the Nuclear Bomb.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 2 days ago

Please dont involve Redhat in this mess.

These ae Crimson Caps.

[-] [email protected] 6 points 2 days ago

I dont know if you know, the CIA did a infiltration of a local dad group. Funded them with CIA money to buy guns, ammo, the entire op, planted themselves inside, pushed ideas by asking leading hypothetical questions, coerced them to act in certain suspicious ways.

CIA are the worst thing that 'Muricans have as an agency. Instead of "keep 'Murica safe" they do these BS things which they did all over the world to destabilize legitimate govts.

I wouldnt put it past the cIA to have "setup" a deranged individual with ideas to go do stuff at a rally.

[-] [email protected] 28 points 2 days ago

Drumpf is a living survivor martyr. Nothing is now gonna hold anything back. Every thing is now going to hit the fan.

[-] [email protected] 24 points 2 days ago

Matyrdom is real real strong. Just ask the Germans and Austrians and former Yugoslavians.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 4 days ago

Controlling Fossil Fuel prices can prevent other private entities from driving up inflation of commodities. It doesn't have to be permanent, you could effect a set goal for 6 years, evaluate the results every 6 weeks, and tweak the pricing to prevent inflation/deflation cycles.

While you control the transport costs, you can now plan on how much energy it is consuming to do the logistics. Even setup renewables for the remote regions with medium to large capacity backups ( not just chemical batteries, but pumped storage and other practical solutions ).

You could increase the buffer between different urban zones, commercial, industrial, heavy commercial, dense residential, suburbian.

  • Energy storage densities.
  • Vehicular traffic densities.
  • Public transport frequencies.
  • Private traffic exemption zones.
  • Cycling/Pedestrian infrastructure.
  • Rent-controlled segmentation.
  • Recreational facilities , maintenance and usage.

All of these things can be measured, calculated, even funded by simply controlling the Fossil-fuel prices.

Imagine 10 or 20 stadiums with Extra-Large battery backups, only on game-nights the full bank would see utilization, rest of the time, half or even quarter of the load can be saved up for fluctuations. In emergencies the stadium provides power, safety, shelter and communal support.

So many things can be planned around transportation and logistics. Fossil-fuel literally drives a lot of the traffic. Measure, calculate and control that and you have a reliable method to make sensible common sense decisions. Transparent for all citizens to see the data and the correlation. Accountable for every cent.

[-] [email protected] 64 points 6 days ago

You see it. I see it. Jon Stewart sees it since forever.

The shills on Lemmy and other places like gaslighting. A lot.

submitted 3 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Has anyone read thoroughly DragonSteel and WayOfKings both as Prime-versions as well as the normal canonical versions?


Spoiler WayOfKings Prime seems to be better than DragonSteel Prime.

     I found DragonSteel Prime kind of not a very good or even cohesive storyline compared to the WayOfKings Prime. 

      WayOfKings-Prime reads almost like if someone tried to "Hollywood"-ify BrandoSando's WoK without really reading anything about Cosmere.

      But DragonSteel-Prime reads like some crazy drunk person tried to combine Pug/Magician and BelGarion/Belgariad(David Eddings )  and some more fantasy settings. 

      I want more of these stories, the first drafts and the final editions !  It is very very fascinating how each story got revised, cut, re-written, re-arranged, etc. 

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Im on openSuse 15.4 and DX12 doesnt seem to have any workaround. How do I fix ? Can i install DX12 somehow ? Will Proton fix it with winetricks or steamtricks ?

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