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[–] liyunxiao -1 points 1 month ago (9 children)

...the 'lease' is that you don't own it independent of the government, as in despite owning the land you're not your own country. You'll find this in every country, except in China it's spelled out. It has an expiration since, you know, China tends to reform itself over time. None have expired, and right now under current law none of them can expire, they are automatically renewed to the owner at the time of expiry, with the assumption the owner isn't going to commit treason.

Like the 'social credit score' nonsense you people made up, it's a gross misinterpretation of reality that you believe because you fundamentally believe Chinese people are different than you.

[–] liyunxiao -2 points 1 month ago (6 children)

No, no they're not.

[–] liyunxiao 4 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Political power is enabled by the barrel of a gun; and the belief in said power.

If either of these fail for a political institution, and no one with a gun restores it, then it simply no longer applies.

If you want your constitution to matter, [censored by .world global rules]; I mean convince the people with guns that you're right.

[–] liyunxiao -3 points 1 month ago (5 children)

Can you reply in some manner that's close to the conversation we were having?

[–] liyunxiao -1 points 1 month ago

Using comparisons to make a point is not whataboubtism, Mr. Shapiro.

[–] liyunxiao 16 points 1 month ago

PTB, .world is trash, nearly all other news communities are better.

[–] liyunxiao 0 points 1 month ago

I'm sorry how long until Clinton 2028 is announced? Anyway xi has genuine party support, given, you know, his policy guidance has allowed China to surpass the us' GDP while increasing the quality of life for citizens at all strata more than any other country in the same time period. That's without bringing up his push for high speed rail, which has allowed more rail to be laid in the last 15 years than the EU and US have in total, combined. Or the green energy mandates which have out paced the entire rest of the world combined...

Successful leaders like xi tend to get reelected.

[–] liyunxiao -3 points 1 month ago (7 children)

Sure, the kakistocracy of the US can be called an oppressive democracy since only the rich vote on legislation, but that's different from the peoples parliament which allows anyone to join and have power.

[–] liyunxiao 1 points 1 month ago

Google translate? At least use deepl.

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