Where's that crowd? I was told third parties like that have no chance so we have to deal with either setting all but rich white people on fire or giving the rich white people flamethrowers.
No, troll.
The lesser evil is not good, it's the less evil option.
Trump, to maga, is a good option. If there were a hundred candidates, they would pick Trump.
Biden, to no one, is a good option. If there were a hundred equal candidates, no sane person would pick Biden. He is evil. He is a ridiculously racist, ridiculously right wing, ridiculously evil person. He spent his career harming the working class and reducing your rights.
Only in a captured system where you only have two options would anyone ever consider voting for Biden, and only if his opponent is worse. He would be the lesser evil.
Drinking a bottle of gasoline is less bad than drinking a gallon, but it's not good. And it's never your only option no matter how thirsty you are.
I hope writing at a second grade level has cleared up your ignorance and misunderstanding.
To your last point, there's always more than two choices. Always. In every system of governance. You didn't find any other option tasteful, because out of all of them you still wanted evil — you just wanted less.
The near future? Yes. Absolutely. The have the best economic and political system so far, and are now building out their military to step into the role of hegemon.
The far future?
Assuming China can crack down on global coal and oil usage and figure out climate change, they'll be paving the way for communism in a couple of generations. If they can successfully solve these issues, crush the capitalist markets, and still maintain or lower their current level of corruption then communism is inevitable by 2100 at the latest.
This will be the last century of kings and ceos. Either the world ends due to climate change and capitalist greed, or humanity prevails through communism. There isn't another option left.
Trump is the ideal leader according to maga, not a lesser evil.
If you're going to troll, at least get the basics right, lib
The choice also has never been binary.
You mean the evil all powerful Russians that are so weak that they're minutes away from losing to Ukraine didn't pay a Chinese ship to perform a really transparent and incredibly sloppy maneuver over an incredibly precise area without training or any resources besides what's on every seafaring boat‽
That's just crazy, clearly Sweden has been infiltrated by the Russians.
You 'people' understand that's the point of the cry wolf tactic fascists use, right?
Every accusation is a confession, because then people like you find it distasteful to do the right thing, because it might be for the wrong reasons like when the fascists did it.
I hope you enjoy the next month. And I hope you enjoy the camps your president built that this one will use.
Hitler was appointed as the lesser evil according to the liberal government that appointed him.
Lesser evilism is the most evil option in all scenarios.
With what money do they start these businesses?
At worst it will be no different. The US installs fascists. Not liberal democracy, not freedom fighters, fascists. If the US were more competent the entirety of South and central America would be full of internally feuding Pinochets.
I haven't been able to find anything that quite scratches the same itch but you might want to try might and magic merged, which combined 6 7 and 8 in a fairly fun way, fixes a few of the issues, and rebalances the game to not be quite as grindy. It's a mod running off the mm8 engine.
You have to be together to be divided. I don't consider the people that have caused or enabled all of the suffering in the US to be united with the working class, personally.
We were in the middle of a recession, they were providing troops to a genocidal nation to commit genocide, the president pardoned his own family for all crimes past and present, unions were at an all time low in terms of membership and power, wages were fully suppressed, jobs reports had been corrected downward every quarter for the entire administration showing the government to be either incompetent or outright lying about the economy, all while credit card debt, reposition, and foreclosure rates reached peaks not seen since 2009.
What one thing did you focus on?