
joined 1 month ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago

So viel Text und doch kein Inhalt...

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Nein, so einfach funktioniert das nicht. Die Polizei kann natürlich relativ einfach mit dem Namen auch die Adresse aus dem Melderegister ziehen, als Anzeigender bekommst du die aber nicht "mal eben so". Zunächst muss überhaupt erst mal ein Staatsanwalt die Anzeige überhaupt aufnehmen und ein Verfahren eröffnen oder (bei Antragsdelikten) muss der Anzeigende schriftlich einen Strafantrag stellen.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 day ago (2 children)

Was ist denn die "derzeitige Bedrohungslage"? Die gibt es nämlich de facto nicht.

Solche Aktionen, insbesondere durch anonyme Hinweise, sind vollkommen überzogen. Jeder, wirklich jeder, kann vollkommen anonym über Tor online eine Anzeige erstatten bzw. dort melden, dass die oben beschriebenen Dinge passieren. Da kann man doch nicht einfach die Tür eintreten.

Das ist ein typisches Beispiel für eine vollkommen fehlgeleitete Ressourcenallokation. Wahrscheinlich sitzt sich das SEK den Arsch platt, weil nichts los ist und dann nimmt man sowas gerne mal mit. Die Aufarbeitung wird aber Jahre dauern, weil leider kein Personal da ist.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 days ago (2 children)


Nope, 65th place, slightly behind the US and the country of old men: Albania.

[–] [email protected] 17 points 2 days ago (4 children)

And a whole lot of content that I frankly would have preferred not to have seen.

When you're 12 and your parents have no idea what you're doing, you'll end up in very dark corners.

[–] [email protected] -4 points 2 days ago (7 children)

It's the same in China.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 days ago (3 children)

"Meine Ehre heißt Schande" wäre eigentlich eine gute Satire.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 3 days ago (1 children)

Wissen viele nicht, aber menschliche Lippen haben Schubvektorsteuerung.

[–] [email protected] 61 points 3 days ago (12 children)

The best argument against Rand is just listening to her for 5min.

Very rarely do you see such a mixture of arrogance, self-righteousness and utter lack of logic in a single person.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 days ago (1 children)

And who does that?

I think you don't really get my point. I'm not arguing that there are no ways to archive data. I'm arguing that there are no technologies available for average Joe.

It is hardly a good strategy to basically set up half a datacenter at home.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 3 days ago

Thin concrete slabs are extremely brittle.


I have a small homelab running a few services, some written by myself for small tasks - so the load is basically just me a few times a day.

Now, I'm a Java developer during the day, so I'm relatively productive with it and used some of these apps as learning opportunities (balls to my own wall overengineering to try out a new framework or something).

Problem is, each app uses something like 200mb of memory while doing next to nothing. That seems excessive. Native images dropped that to ~70mb, but that needs a bunch of resources to build.

So my question is, what is you go-to for such cases?

My current candidates are Python/FastAPI, Rust and Elixir, but I'm open for anything at this point - even if it's just for learning new languages.


I asked a while ago, how to build an automatic light switch and finally got around to actually building it.

My board is an ESP8266 mini D, and ignoring all the sensor parts, my problem right now is powering the actual light.

It's just a small LED array and I connected it directly to the 5V and GND pins (controlled via a transistor).

Measuring from the wall (so including the PSU), this whole setup pulls about 3W (so far expected), however, one small component close to the USB connector gets uncomfortably warm, and I'm not sure, whether that's ok.

The hot component is one of the two small thingies circled in the picture. I thought the 5V get pulled directly from the USB plug, so I'm not sure, why there is any circuitry involved.


I'm trying to build a very simple, stupid light switch for my grow light. Essentially, I want to turn on the light, if it gets too dark outside, so that my plants can survive the northern winter.

Since I'm a software guy, my first thought was an ESP32, but that seems excessive.

My current approach would be something like this: https://www.ebay.com/itm/313561010352 In conjunction with a relay, both powered by a USB-PSU.

If the light level is low enough, the logic DO pin should send a signal and that should be enough to trigger a small relay, so that the relay then closes the circuit to switch on the lights.

Is that idea completely stupid? With electronics, I'm usually missing something very obvious.

The lights themselves are already just usb powered and only draw 5W, so that shouldn't be problem.

What I'm concerned with is the actual switching. Is the logic signal "strong" enough to activate a relay? Would simple transistor maybe sufficient?

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