
joined 11 months ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago

You were making claims about what they were researching, not what they've released. These are not the same thing. And your sentence was a gramatical mess, do maybe consider writing more clearly?

I was writing as to what they were researching which also included what they released. Research does not happen overnight genius .
My sentence is more than fine, maybe you need to learn to read.

Your claim was that Apple invests as much as anyone else in AI. There's nothing in that link to suggest that statement is true. So am I to presume you just made it up?

either read the article again or learn to do a 5 minute google search. The only made up here is that you refuse to accept that you are not correct

Sure. Please find where those companies suggested regulation in a field they don't participate in. Much less AI-specific.

messaging, USB/connectors, CPU chips, countless and countless lawsuits between each other, App stores, and the list goes on.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago

you asking that question is literally your question.

you seriously don't understand why copy data , such as your password, a code to transfer money etc, you may not want to be paste-able on every app on your phone?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago (2 children)

Where did you see this? Again, last rumors I saw indicated there were considering cloud-based solutions, as well as hybrid and on-device.

You seem to have a very selective habit when you read on what your read. I state "up till now" and "until recently", read more carefully next time.
Also on every announcement they made for Siri, AI on device on their presentations etc.

Where are you getting your numbers from?

You can obviously google for past interviews/news, similar to any other company investment, but in the first 5 seconds I found this

But you don't see them making sanctimonious proclamations about what others should do

You are joking , yes? MS, Google , Meta, Samsung, Intel etc did not made any statements on especially Apple?
are you living under a stone or something?

> Apple hates regulation.

All big companies will try to avoid regulations if they can benefit from it, again since you seem to be blind for others, Google, Amazon, MS, Meta, VW , the list goes on. They will only bring up regulation when it is towards their interest.

See their ongoing fight with the EU et al.

I am going to need a coupe of hours to expand on that, but again same as every other company.see above, especially when they invested money on it

And they're happy to ignore the work of standards bodies whenever they please. If Apple wants regulation, they really want Apple-defined regulation.

And again, EVERY company will try to avoid the rules or regulations if the can benefit from it and will only revert to those when it suits them best. Apple, Google, MS, Meta, VW, the list goes on

[–] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago (4 children)

Although not on-device only , they were till recently investing on this. Yes cloud resources were used but their development was focusing on on device process.

Apple "invested" which means it can be on any company or research dealing with AI.

I have difficult to believe that anything Google, Meta, MS, Samsung, Nvidia (or many others) propose will be in good faith the same as Apple. Also Tim said that regulation needs to get in place, not that Apple will dictate it. A regulatory body of several companies.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago (6 children)

I will agree on the "he is not expressing a clear idea on the policy"

But the rest, no. Actually if you think about it, Apple is not directly competing with OpenAI or Bard. These are AI's that need to be Online and their effectiveness comes from huge computing power on datacenters. Apple at this point was going for an on device mobile hardware AI.
Is their on-device great , nope. But how many are trying to do the same on a consumer level?

As far as who can dictate policy, this is very relevant. Apple has invested as much money as any other on the field. If the only people who can dictate these rules are the companies that actively creating and have the majority of the market then this would be only OpenAI. But a lot of companies invested money on OpenAI, so should not they be able to pitch in?
Also, why an environmental org should be able to dictate what my car will use etc? They don't create it. And if you say becasue it has impact on the environment that they are championing for, then the same account for a lot of tech companies as well, because they are affected by AI . and so on and so forth

[–] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago

I don't think that at his era we live there is a product without a defect either hardware, software or cosmetic
Apple just get shit because they are marketing them selves as premium and you pay more.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago (8 children)

don't know why everyone is bashing on him,
he is 100% correct on what he said

[–] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago

Keepass that it is mentioned was like auto-type not what browser extension does.
This could inherently create some security issues I guess, so maybe this is why it is not there.
Unless the app can support it, which means that it would be easier to make it work for windows, Mac and then linux, or if the app is electron based maybe.
Just thinking out loud

[–] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago

if or when side loading comes to iPhone I bet we will see a new Cydia store

[–] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago

I pay $15 a month for unlimited storage.

their plans go up to 2TB. Is this hidden?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago

not the OP, but really interested on the following.

I was able to setup VSC etc for remote ssh and edit, but the problem is that when you need to sudo, then this does not translate.
VSC will use the credentials of the account you used to connect , but could not figure out how to elevate with sudo or another account when you need to.

did you manage to do that?

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