Yaml Ain't Markup Language: am i a joke to you
(JSON for data, TOML for configuration)
Yaml Ain't Markup Language: am i a joke to you
(JSON for data, TOML for configuration)
C# dev with reasonable experience with java, python, and rust:
Rust is harder
What does this have to do with computers?
Addition by the additive inverse.
a/b is the unique solution x to a = bx, if a solution exists. This definition is used for integers, rationals, real and complex numbers.
Defining a/b as a * (1/b) makes sense if you're learning arithmetic, but logically it's more contrived as you then need to define 1/b as the unique solution x to bx = 1, if one exists, which is essentially the first definition.
I find it a little disturbing that YAML seems to be going nowhere, and appreciating JSON all the more, but it's still interesting to read
It's designed as a "data serialization language" but its primary use case seems to be a base syntax for a trillion different DSLs
That's quite the drawback. I'm not sure if I believe a large number of keywords would have a good effect on ergonomics
Perhaps if you used more than two fingers on desktop
78wpm 92% gboard
~200wpm on a physical desktop keyboard
This incident will be reported
The order of operations is not the same as the distributive law.