Don't worry. I make sure to Sha1 encrypt them first.
I understand... In a programming environment 99.999% of tabs aren't after any other text.
I think riveting the rings helps with that but it makes it way way harder.
Err, why would there ever be something besides a tab before a tab? Are we doing ASCII art?
I do not know what that means
If only we were still having the conversation.
That's... not the point either. The point is that "reporting false positives isn't a bad thing" is only true up to a point. The discussion is then "is this before or after that point." Which, given the context of the bug, isn't really a given. But I don't want to have that discussion with you anymore because you're annoying.
"What if the boy who cried wolf got lucky and didn't get eaten in the end"? Seems to have missed the point of the parable a bit.
4 hours a night on weekdays, 8 on weekends? That's a hell of a maintenance routine
I didn't say the CVE was valid. I explained why it was a mistake. I didn't say "disclosing security bugs" is, in general, a bad thing, I said raising undue alarm about a specific class of bugs is bad. It's not a matter of "less or more information," because as I said, a CVE is not a bug report. It is not simply "acknowledgment of information." If you think my argument has no merit and there is no reason why "more information" could be worse, you're free to talk to someone who gives a shit.
Java good
If you have a lot of semantic breakpoints (like the end of a concept) that don't line up with syntactic breakpoints (like the end of a method or expression body) your code probably needs to be refactored. If you don't, then automatic code formatting is probably all you need.