
joined 2 years ago
[–] justgohomealready 5 points 2 years ago

No outro dia estive no site deles a ler as suas leis e, em relação a saúde, admira-me só ter morrido uma criança.

A nível de alimentação são veganos mas daqueles mesmo extremos, para quem até cozinhar os alimentos já é estar a processá-los e anti-natura. Para eles, a alimentação ideal é frutas e legumes crus.

Quanto a doenças, acreditam que todo o tipo de sintomas é o corpo a "desintoxicar" e que por isso nunca devem ser tratados, e no seguimento disso a cura para tudo é o jejum. É uma lógica quase infantil - se estás doente é porque ingeriste toxinas que o teu corpo está a expulsar, e o remédio é não ingerir nada até ficares bem.

Esta lógica aplicada a uma criança com diarreia, por exemplo, facilmente pode levar à morte.

[–] justgohomealready 4 points 2 years ago

When I changed from Chrome to Firefox a year ago or so, Firefox imported Chrome's saved passwords, along with bookmarks and everything else.

[–] justgohomealready 8 points 2 years ago (3 children)

You can block bots in your settings page.

[–] justgohomealready 0 points 2 years ago (1 children)

The physical and sensor evidence is available within special access programs, and at this point no one who as been following the subject doubts that. A lot of members of congress have been briefed on those programs, and they don't doubt that there are non-human intelligences, be it aliens or time travellers or interdimensional beings or whatever they might be.

[–] justgohomealready 0 points 2 years ago (2 children)

I rest my case. How will someone like you react when it ends up being officially recognized as something even weirder than "space aliens from Mars", I don't know.

[–] justgohomealready 1 points 2 years ago (5 children)

The thing is we both are going to get downvoted into oblivion. People who are not aware of the latest developments still see the term UFOs and think "loonies". I am actually a bit scared that disclosure is finally upon us, and many people will have a hard time updating their worldviews.

[–] justgohomealready 2 points 2 years ago

Sorry! English is not my first language and I misunderstood you.

[–] justgohomealready -3 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) (14 children)

It's getting a bit late to associate UFOs with idiots, honestly. Both the government and NASA have frontally admitted that there are things flying around that we can't identify. The US just shot down 3 unidentified objects with F22's a few months ago (and no, they were not balloons like the one everyone saw pictures of - no pictures were release of these other objects). Congress is moving forwards with new legislation to force disclosure of secret special access programs related to UFOs, after Grusch's claims, and there will be public hearings soon.

I know the subject has been ridiculed for decades, but no one in congress who has clearance and has been briefed is laughing about it now.

[–] justgohomealready 2 points 2 years ago

This is the way. One account for subscribing to serious stuff, one account for memes, and one for NSFW. You basically get 3 different "subscribed" feeds.

[–] justgohomealready 1 points 2 years ago

Man, I loved that book. Susanna Clarke has a gift for describing and immersing the reader in dreamlike, almost psychedelic liminal spaces. If you approach it more like poetry than for the plot, it's a magical (pun intended) book.

[–] justgohomealready 1 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

I fixed that by creating an account just for memes on a meme instance, blocking all memes from the serious account, and using Liftoff that allows for easily changing between accounts. I basically have two feeds now, one with only serious stuff and another filled with only memes.

[–] justgohomealready 2 points 2 years ago

At the time Facebook was starting to seriously suck and Google was still a trusted brand, but it failed mostly because of the invite system for the first few weeks. Google themselves closed the door to the possibility of huge migration.

You got an invite, but none of your facebook frieds did. It was an empty town so one naturally started adding random people, thus fucking the friend reccomendation algorythm forever. When they finally opened to the general public, people had lost interest already.

Their circles concept was actually awesome, but they shot themselves in the foot in trying to keep it exclusive for those first few weeks.

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