Where I live, people in rental trucks go around at night gathering low battery scooters and unloading fully charged ones. Apparently you can make good money doing that work and recharging them.
Listen - the meteors that fall on earth every day are usually in an orbit similar to that of the earth, at more or less the same velocity. Can you picture that? There's dust flying around with the earth, at more or less the same speed, and that dust sometimes falls into our atmosphere and lands on someone's garden. That the normal situation.
This specific object came at the earth two times faster than any star around the solar system is moving. It crashed at the earth moving faster than everything else around us - and pieces of it survived the impact with the atmosphere!
That's why those spherules are special - regular meteors are made from iron and, if they entered the atmosphere at that speed, they would have competely vaporized. This one impacted the ocean, pieces of it were found, and it turns out it is made of some alloy we'd never seen before (and that's why pieces of it survived, because it's not iron like regular meteors).
Do you understand now the significance? I would recommend you read the article before replying again.
Loeb has been calling them "spherules".
But Loeb keeps acting like they were made my a form of life outside of our solar system, which there is zero indication of.
The indication is that we know what meteors are made of, and there is no way a meteor would ever survive reentry at the velocity this object did. Any known natural forming alloy would have completely vaporized into nothing. The fact that this object entered the atmosphere at velocities greater than solar escape velocity and peft pieces for us to find is an indication that it is composed of some unknown, very strong alloy.
That is exactly what was now confirmed: the elements found have never been found before in any meteor, nor are there known processes that could have created them naturally.
Whatever entered our atmosphere, survived all the friction and heat and crashed in the sea was either created by a still unknown natural process, or created artificially.
It seems to be getting worse every day. I used to always find something interesting to watch, and now my feed seems to be the same 10 videos or so, and the rest is stuff I've already watched? I feel stuck in such a small bubble!
E também se pode argumentar que se a empresa tivesse caído, o estado teria gasto valores consideráveis de qualquer forma em subsídios de desemprego e outros apoios.
Alguém que tenha experimentado as duas consegue comparar com a Liftoff?
É a que tenho usado e funciona bastante bem, especialmente a possibilidade de mudar de conta facilmente e ver feeds de várias instâncias usando contas diferentes.
Ask yourself - why did everyone got to see photos of the Chinese spy balloon, but nothing of the other 3 objects that were subsequently shot down by F22's? The military most surely has photos of those objects also, why haven't they showed them?
What the whistleblowers have been saying is that the government has indisputable evidence in the form of photos, videos, sattelite images, radar tracks, and even recovered crafts and bodies. If you haven't seen any of that evidence, it's because they don't want you to see it. Multiple congressmen have seen it in classified briefings and talked about it, the evidence you want does exist.
Except that he has delivered classified documents and evidence to authorities with the right clearances? Of course he can't just publish classified documents, unless he wants to end up like Snowden. He is following the correct procedures for whistleblowers, and that's why you get to see nothing but people with the right clearences do. Multiple congressmen have had classified briefings on the subject and they don't think Grusch is lying.
The Tic tac was seen, with their eyes, by four different military pilots. It was also captured in multiple different sensor arrays, data that has been classified. The video is the only thing available because it was leaked, but there is other sensor data that corroborates both the video and the pilot's testimony. We don't have access to that data only because the military doesn't want us to.
Mandated parking zones are very effective because you can't really end the trip if you're not on a parking zone, meaning that you keep getting charged until you park it in a parking zone.
Here you could leave the scooters anywhere for about a year, and it was nice because I could take one right to my doorstep - but my neighbours took them inside their house, and there were scooters everywhere taking up sidewalks. Around a year ago, it changed and now there are predefined parking spaces, around 50m or 100m from each other. I haven't seen "abandoned" scooters outside of parking spaces for a few months now, and a lot of people still use then anyway.