The article you referred to appears to delve into the actions and subsequent consequences faced by Jimmy Zhong, a 28-year-old computer expert from Athens, Georgia. The narrative begins when Zhong reports a theft of a substantial amount of cryptocurrency from his residence, leading to an investigation unveiling one of the most significant cryptocurrency crimes in history ➊.
In 2012, an individual pilfered 50,000 bitcoins from Silk Road, an illicit dark web marketplace. The valuation of these stolen bitcoins soared over time to surpass $3 billion, marking one of the colossal mysteries within the cryptocurrency realm for many years. Nearly a decade post this heist, a grave mistake by the perpetrator enabled the IRS-Criminal Investigation division to resolve the case ➋.
Jimmy Zhong, known for his partying tendencies and also for his exceptional computer skills, was the person behind this massive theft. His downfall was linked to his report about the crypto theft, which was a cover-up, and his robust digital home surveillance system which perhaps played a part in his identification ➌.
Following his conviction in 2022, a raid on his Georgia residence led to the confiscation of approximately 50,676 bitcoins, then valued at over $3.36 billion. Zhong cooperated with the authorities and forfeited the stolen assets ➍.
This tale highlights a significant event within the cryptocurrency community and demonstrates the long-term investigative efforts that can span several years before reaching a resolution.
They have, I have had Voice for some three weeks now and Vision for at least one week. OP should check if their app is updated.