
joined 8 months ago
[–] jnk 1 points 8 months ago

Once a software vendor demonstrates theyre untrustworthy, why would I risk using their products?

How are you using windows then? They've had innumerable security breaches, not to talk about how MS demonstrates again and again that the only thing they care about is money. Does "trustworthy" mean "american" or "only sells my data to the USA gov and other US companies" then sure, it is trustworthy as fuck.

Of course you will invalidate that with some mental gymnastics, but this same thing happens even with freaking usb (charge only, mind me) cables from aliexpress, with people saying they have fucking chips to spy on you. Again, racism.

And spare us from the sophist personal attack on people you disagree with

Try to put it however you want, but hating anything that comes from one place just because of that, then adding excuses is fucking racist.

except there's no question of there being significant Russian efforts to meddle in the US and other countries.

And here comes the grand patriotic justification for racism! If you really don't have shit to say about the actual software, just block me or something and spare me from your presence :)

[–] jnk -4 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) (2 children)

I haven't found a serious critic that didn't rely on fucking racism yet. If the only real argument is "rUsSian cOmPAny bAD" but you're ok with USA companies, you're just braindead.

I don't even use windows for that same reason, but if a windows user asks me, based on past experiences with low end computers (where you can actually tell the diference), I'd always recommend kaspersky for performance and malwarebytes for precision.

Pro tip: Downvotes without arguments only prove my point.

[–] jnk 5 points 8 months ago

My guy i bet you're frustrated, shit happens a lot, but you should take a break and some deep breaths before asking for help. No one wants to help a clearly angry person.

Have you tried asking gpt itself what tried to do? Tell it also what actually happened when you ran the code. If you use GPT, don't use it blindly and definitely never run generated code on your main machine if you don't know what it does.

Can you replicate the error and share screenshots? Maybe edit the post so more knowledgeable people bothers to read and help?

[–] jnk 6 points 8 months ago

Except FOSS explicitly implies the user is free (as in freedom, not 0$), and the software isn't a product or service, but a tool.

That line only applies when a non-free service or software that's supposed to be meant for profit doesn't have a clear money income. Don't compare "oh how generous is google for giving me free email and drive for no shady reasons at all" to "i host my own email and cloud using foss projects".

Also, windows is basically spyware with a bit of unoptimized OS on top and you still (should) pay for it.

[–] jnk 1 points 8 months ago

Oh i also agree with that, just wanted to clarify that

[–] jnk 4 points 8 months ago (8 children)

Extremely case where I'm going to defend windows; but Ms Defender never killed performance in a pc even if i had a low-end one.

Considering all the bloatware windows has, OP would be better off fighting like literally every other program except Defender...

[–] jnk 12 points 8 months ago (1 children)

"This is completle free to use, download, modify, redistribute, etc by anyone except Dave. Fuck Dave."

I don't know how legal that'd be, but i wouldn't even complain.

[–] jnk 3 points 8 months ago

It would make more sense to change that to "Community managers are managed by contributors". Less effort for them and potentially better moderation.

[–] jnk 2 points 8 months ago

Except WEBP, unlike (most versions of) JPEG, can be compressed without quality loss. This is probably a mix of reuploading a JPEG and a bad encoding by Lemmy's side. It should be fixed if you uploaded an already webp encoded image, so lemmy doesn't try to reformat it, but for a sequels meme it's not worth the time

[–] jnk 4 points 8 months ago

What a bunch of greedy clowns. Not only that's illegal to do afaik, it's not even technically possible. Hell even if they could, that would accomplish absolutely nothing.

The only thing they could've try to pull was to ask spanish ISPs to block IPTV altogether, but then again, easily solved with a VPN. Stupid fight to pick if you ask me.

[–] jnk 1 points 8 months ago (1 children)

So that begs the question: whY THE FUCK haven't i search for that before?

Thanks, I'll be looking into it

[–] jnk 3 points 8 months ago
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