
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 11 points 2 days ago (2 children)

Klar, ich erwarte jetzt nicht, dass die schmilzt sobald man heißes Wasser reinfüllt. Aber nachdem immer wieder Studien rauskommen, dass sich aus verschiedenen Plastiksorten dann doch Stoffe über Zeit rauslösen, wenn sie warm werden, hab ich da einfach kein Vertrauen mehr, auch wenn es angeblich sicher sein soll. Aber das darf gern jeder für sich entscheiden.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 2 days ago (4 children)

Bei der stört mich, dass alles aus Plastik ist und ich da heißes Wasser reingießen soll.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 3 days ago (1 children)

Not sure if it's underrated, but Sunshine (2007) is really great!

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 week ago

That looks cool!

Found a Colorized Version on Internet Archive as well as the Original Motion Picture Soundtrack!

[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Das gleiche könnte man in Sachsen auch über Die Linke sagen. Aber ob das geschickter ist eine 5% Partei mehr drin zu haben statt einen großen Gegenpol mit der CDU zu haben, weiß ich nicht.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

Dem kann ich nur zustimmen. Wobei sie Situation für geflüchtete Menschen noch wesentlich schlechter ist, als den meisten Menschen bewusst. Selbst wenn sie deutsch sprechen, sind Termine bei Behörden oder Ärzten kaum ohne Übersetzer machbar. Aber von denen gibt es viel zu wenige und die bereits überarbeiteten Menschen, die ihnen dann gegenüber sitzen, haben weder die Geduld noch das Verständnis, um ihnen angemessen zu helfen. Das Leben in Deutschland ohne ausgezeichnete Deutschkenntnisse und Verständnis für unsere Bürokratie ist verwirrend und frustrierend selbst wenn man sich Mühe gibt. Und dazu kommen dann noch direkte und indirekte Anfeindungen, weil man sie falsche Hautfarbe hat.

Das Problem, dass wir mit der Aufnahme von Migranten haben, ist dass unser öffentliche Institutionen sowieso schon unterbelegt und überarbeitet sind. Das zu verbessern würde uns allen zugute kommen!

Wir müssen endlich aufhören Migration und Flüchtlinge als Probleme zu behandeln! Das sind Chancen! Das sind helfende Hände, die da kommen. Das sind Menschen, die nichts anderes wollen als sich hier ein gutes Leben zu erarbeiten. Was für eine Bereicherung sie sein könnten, auch kulturell! Aber statt sie wirklich willkommen zu heißen, werden sie wie Probleme behandelt. Wen kann es wundern, wenn sich von diesen Menschen einer beschließt Probleme zu machen? Mich wundert, dass es nicht mehr sind.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 2 weeks ago

...because they know how to swear in Russian?

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 weeks ago

Ich finde zumindest Hochprozentiger sollte, ähnlich wie Cannabis Pflanzen, Zuhause verpflichtend so aufbewahrt werden, dass Minderjährige nicht dran kommen.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago

Better late then never, thanks!

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 weeks ago (4 children)

Wer ist das und was ist der Kontext?

[–] [email protected] 8 points 3 weeks ago

I think there is enough precedence to come to the belief that remakes are bad in and of itself. Big movie companies do like to put their money in already established or at least known franchises or names. This leads to them forcing a movie they think should make money rather than letting the creatives follow their passion, which may or may not lead to better movies. And then there is also the typical knee-jerk online reaction in play here. People like to be dismissive and jaded about things. I think it's partly because we have a lot of reasons to be jaded, but it's also because it's easy and it makes you feel smarter. I believe in most cases people aren't actually informed enough to form a real opinion, they just like to shit on things online to make themselves feel better.

In my late teens and early twenties I had a phase where I basically disliked every new movie. I thought old movies where perfect and new movies where all just cash grabs with the exception of indie movies. After a bit of growing and working in a creative industry myself, I now know that this is bullshit. There are lots of reasons why movies turn out bad, but in most cases the people working on them are trying their best and genuinely want to make something great. With that in mind I've become much more open and appreciative. It's so easy to shit on things online. It is very, very hard to make a movie, even a bad one.

Sure, sometimes the movie turns out bad and yes the chances of a reboot, remake, sequel or prequel to be bad is higher. But it might also turn out to be a great movie in it's own right! To be honest lots of old movies did not age well and could use a remake. If you don't like it, the original movie is still there for you to watch instead.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 weeks ago

I doubt enough people realized this for this effect. I'm not a huge Star Wars fan myself and this went completely over my head. I don't doubt that dedicated Star Wars fans picked up on it immediately, but most probably only heard of it from these. I see that a lot online. People decide to hate a piece of media even before it airs and then collect reasons for it after the fact.

But that's just my guess, anyway. I haven't watched The Acolyte farther than episode 4 or 5, but not because of anything specific. Just didn't grab me to keep watching. I thought I'll come back to it eventually, but now that I know it's canceled I probably won't.

🍿🍿🍿 (lemmy.world)
submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Edit: I'm not actually opposed to watching movies with directors cuts. Just realized I love watching ridiculously long video essays about movies, but almost never watch directors commentaries. Not sure why, probably availability.

Also I heightened the phrasing for comedic purposes ;)


I'm trying to build a fun, casual Reanimator deck using Kess, Dissident Mage, but I'm having a little trouble: Moxfield Decklist

Basically the deck is pretty inconsistent and susceptible and also not very interactive. Meaning I might be lucky and reanimate a big threat turn 3-4, but it's a single threat that can be easily dealt with. And because it is a big threat, it usually is the immediate focus. While others build their board, I filter cards until I can reanimate another big threat, leaving my board pretty empty. This could be compensated with interactions, but because the deck needs enough big threats, filter/loot cards and reanimate spells, there is little space.

I run a couple of tutors to help with the consistency, but they are kind of inappropriate for the power level of the deck. So sometimes I replace them with less good draws/threats/reanimates.

I feel like my only course is to play even more impactful threats, which are expensive to get, but also increase the power level inconsistency, while making me the target, because there could be something very bad incoming at any time.

So, is there a way to keep this a casual deck, but also make it more consistent and interactive? Maybe focusing a little more on spellslinging?

Edit: In the end I came to turns with the fact that a reanimator strategy alone does not work in a 4-player game (except maybe with much stronger targets). So I build the deck a little more into the spellslinger direction, cut the Demonic Tutor and accepted that it will be a power level 6 like my other decks.


"An archaeology professor discovers an ancient crypt which contains living dead corpses. The zombies go on a rampage and attack a group of people which the professor had invited to celebrate his discovery."


This is my favorite b movie of all time. Got it on VHS from an older friend for 5€ when I was in "high school". Its German title is "Rückkehr der Zombies", which means "Return of the Zombies". Here is what the cover looked like, roughly. It's an incredible mix of bad acting, nonsensical setups, confused pacing and surprisingly good makeup and gore. The best part is the kid, who is supposed to be a teenager at most, but is clearly played by a small adult (see here).

If you are a fan of b movies, especially Horror and splatter, this is a must see!

(Also: I love this community!)


N64's F-Zero X had some bangers! 🤘

What went wrong (startrek.website)
submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Just to be clear: I saw this meme over at Lemmy Shitpost and had to repost it here...


"The Logical Song" is a song by English rock group Supertramp that was released as the lead single from their album Breakfast in America in March 1979. It was written primarily by the band's Roger Hodgson, who based the lyrics on his experiences being sent away to boarding school for ten years. Wikipedia

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