[-] [email protected] 25 points 2 months ago


My wife, AMAB, had gynecomastia- she grew breasts during puberty, and they were removed in what started as a LOCALIZED ANESTHETIC operation, and when the pain was too much she was put under.

She started hormones years later and fortunately grew breast tissue again, but why did someone cut her up like that in the first place, huh?

Where was her protection?

Oh right, its fine to force surgery on kids if its cis gender affirmation, but can't allow them to make any other decisions.

[-] [email protected] 67 points 2 months ago

When people around me complain about being worn out, i cheerfully remind them that we're about the only critters that don't just fucking REST when we're TIRED.

Why the FUCK is it normal to down stimulants 'like an adult' instead of napping?

I'm narcoleptic, and I've been defending my need for sleep my whole life- but mostly, its me reminding people that I nap when my body feels fatigued, like every other mammal I'm aware of, and perhaps I'm not the unusual one.

[-] [email protected] 27 points 2 months ago

he has “taken to using violence against other inmates to relieve his frustrations with his self-inflicted predicament.”

Oh yes

[-] [email protected] 29 points 2 months ago

I appreciate you. I had a good lawyer take up my wrongful termination case, back when i was idealistic.

He knew i was right, but on paper they skirted the law. He put in the work to get me unemployment & keep me housed, and he never even billed me.

Thank you for trying. I know its hard.

[-] [email protected] 92 points 2 months ago

I've been halfheartedly saying I'm going to start a religion based on ads being bad for one's soul. It makes more sense every day.

[-] [email protected] 28 points 3 months ago

A good steak pun is a rare medium done well.

[-] [email protected] 24 points 3 months ago

If I could go back and do it again, I would fucking embrace it.

She should use that voice to defend her autonomy, and to sound like herself. Seriously.

I work in hard science IT, and as I shed my feminine vocal habits, my job is easier. People listen to me more. My life is better, I'm not forcing my thoughts through a Play-Doh mold of intonation.

It can absolutely be a skill, because it will set her apart!

[-] [email protected] 66 points 3 months ago


victimized as a child

That venn diagram is a circle.

[-] [email protected] 30 points 3 months ago

Framed as well meaning, oh-honey advice from older women, I've heard that or some shade of it at least 100 times since around 8yo, I don't think it's rare, unfortunately.

It went hand it hand with "the bellies that show are the first to swell", which my store manager said to me at 17yo, the comments that other girls should keep their boyfriends (my friends) away from me, all the weird punishing ingrained misogyny bullshit women do to each other in US gender culture.

As soon as I got secondary sex characteristics, I started getting in trouble for just, like, existing

[-] [email protected] 50 points 3 months ago

In my experience as AFAB with a more monotone, less femme voice, I got 'you sound bossy' 'you sound like a bitch' or just ignored until I 'asked nicely' which meant 'sound subservient'.

It has caused me so much trouble in sounding authoritative, because I always had to be high pitched to be heard, but deep pitched to actually be listened to.

[-] [email protected] 49 points 3 months ago

He's always been a spoiled heir with massive wealth from apartheid and blood gems

How good could his personality ever have been, truly

[-] [email protected] 30 points 4 months ago

I'm nonbinary, married to a trans woman. Every time I lean into my more masc presenting side, part of me is sad that we don't appear MORE queer, and part of me wonders if I'm subconsciously wanting to pass as a straight couple. Isn't identity a fuckin trip?

The way I see it, people have been putting us in boxes our whole lives.

Straight afab didn't fit me, bisexual kinda does, lesbian was better, now trans nonbinary omnisexual is me, lol.

Language is imperfect. All we can do is use that imperfect language to tell each other about our real selves, and anyone giving you shit for that is really missing the point... We're queer because we looked at our assigned boxes and said "nope" 💜

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