Should be managed in database rather than filesystem, and automated
remuxing videos so they would only have one audio and one subtitle file, reencoding videos that I considered bloated, reencoding videos that had flac or 5.1 audio to opus stereo
Waste of electricity and requires you to backup the file itself rather than a torrent, as you no longer have exactly what others have. Also a minor point you will kick yourself if you ever buy a surround sound setup and/or discover the wonders of headphone virtual surround
putting all my files into a spreadsheet along with other information
For any media category there almost certainly exists a database system that can do this for you automatically. You mentioned anime, in which case an example is Shoko
tl;dr you're complaining about a problem you created, and solving the problem by scorched earth-ing the entire problem
Can be automated
Should be managed in database rather than filesystem, and automated
Waste of electricity and requires you to backup the file itself rather than a torrent, as you no longer have exactly what others have. Also a minor point you will kick yourself if you ever buy a surround sound setup and/or discover the wonders of headphone virtual surround
For any media category there almost certainly exists a database system that can do this for you automatically. You mentioned anime, in which case an example is Shoko
tl;dr you're complaining about a problem you created, and solving the problem by scorched earth-ing the entire problem