I think jumping coarser and then "fine" tuning (pun half-intended) works well IF you start super fine.
If you're starting in the middle of the spectrum from fine to coarse, and you only ever try going coarser first, you never get to try what might be the best cup, which may be on the finer side of your starting point.
Winning cups in pour over competitions are often ground shockingly fine, like only 30%-50% coarser than espresso fine. You may be using dark roast or Ethiopian beans (known to produce tons of fines and need coarser settings), but if not, I'd really suggest going finer just to see how it goes. You'll find a lot of experts suggest the same.
Am I the only one who already hears every comedians' stories through the lens of "we all know this may not have actually happened to me, but it's based on something similar to something real that could have happened to someone else"? This really isn't a shock in my experience...