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[–] hudson 82 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) (3 children)

There is already plenty of free and open source technology to create a free and open source computer.

What isn’t free and open source is factories and resources and labor.

[–] hudson 5 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) (12 children)

You’re not sorry, you’re projecting your denial and pain and frustration and lack of ability to form a coherent argument on me. But the fact remains that your own sources back up what I have been saying and, while I’m sorry for your troubles, they would have been addressed if 110 had been fully realized and it’s your State government that let you down not me. So you should direct your hostility where it belongs— at the government that continues to fail you, not some stranger in the internet that is pointing that out to you.

I really am sorry for what’s happening in Oregon because the state couldn’t manage to pull off the responsibilities mandated by this bill. I really am. They failed the people of their state and, in failing to prove this bill could work, the whole nation. In theory it was a good bill, but the state just didn’t follow through on all of its commitments they needed to in order to make it work.

But you ignoring all of that in order to blame the victims is bullshit, and your own sources that you have linked here explain that in great detail.

[–] hudson 4 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) (16 children)

Ah, yes, nothing better than ignoring the facts, cherry-picking data, and blaming the victims to confirm one’s own biases!

Interesting, however, that in the sources, that you, yourself, provide lies the reality which undermines your own argument. If you weren’t so blinded by your own biases, you’d actually see the reality of the situation.

It seems that you, too, are another casualty of your own agenda. How predictable.

[–] hudson 3 points 5 months ago

Certainly, this unequivocal adoration of JJ Trek is deserving of modship!

[–] hudson 5 points 5 months ago (18 children)

Did you even read the article you posted?

[–] hudson 9 points 5 months ago (20 children)

Why would anyone seek help if there is none? Do you even hear yourself? Lol

[–] hudson 3 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) (1 children)

They never actually rolled out any of the support programs, the rehabs, or any of the alternative legal programs that were in the bill. The funding was there, but nothing was really done with it. The whole thing was flawed from the start and was set to fail because it wasn’t actually implemented as it should have been. The 110 bill laid out plans for this huge support system and infrastructure that never materialized.

[–] hudson 26 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) (22 children)

What support? There was no support. Even the article you posted goes into detail how the state never followed through with it plans to provide the critical infrastructure needed for treatment, for alternatives to jail or prison, or anything else that 110 promised. They just made drugs legal and called it a day.

[–] hudson 40 points 5 months ago (27 children)

110 failed because it was never fully-implemented. The intent was to have support systems in place that were never funded and set up. As a result, this is what happened.

[–] hudson 1 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

Where did i say that? You’re trying too hard, and that’s bad advice to give, especially to someone who would best benefit from relaxing and taking the chill approach. Women appreciate a confident approach that doesn’t come off as too eager. Everyone appreciates that. Being too quick to try to define a relationship that doesn’t even exist can come off as desperate and demanding. Young (all) women want to make up their own minds, so let them! assuming that you know better, or that your needs or desires take priority is not only arrogant, it’s misogynistic.

During the outing, she’ll pick up that OP wants more than a friendship and if she wants more, too, that’s the direction it will go. And if that’s not what she wants, then so be it. OP will have to accept that and move on, and it will be his first lesson in respecting the wishes and decisions of a woman.

[–] hudson 2 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) (2 children)

Buddy, when you raise the stakes this high before you even try, you’ve already lost because you come off as desperate and insecure. THAT is how you end up in whatever this “friend zone” thing is…

[–] hudson 2 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) (1 children)

Bullies and narcissists often don’t like having a negative light shone upon them. Why should anyone capitulate to your demand that narcissist be seen as a victims or treated that way? That sounds like classic gaslighting and DARVO technique. 

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