
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 0 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

Hi nice to meet you.

i think it's a delicate topic; being inclusive. like, being inclusive isn't as easy as being offended by everything. Yesterday i also got a censorship/ban request from a person on your server for this video i kept the content up. i'm interested on your take on that decision.

i'm not allowing hate or violent-content on my server, nor perverted sexual content(porn, hentai and such). Dialogue is encouraged. censorship isn't encouraged. When people share their own experiences we should be able to listen and reason about it. Even when it's out of the comfort zone. When it's about people's own experience, i'm not so eager to censor their voice. (imo, fediverse is about escaping big-tech censorship) On the 'testimony' community, i try to redact lemmybot video's which are not people's personal experiences. it should fit the community 'selfie testimonies'. So, theory or textbook lectures are removed.

interested in your take on it


(For what it's worth)

Feb 24, 2024 This book is over 100 years old. It tells of the written report Pontius Pilate wrote to Caesar regarding the circumstances of Jesus of Nazareth and the Crucifixion. It is still highly debated today. Leave your comments below. Be sure to leave a like.


cross-posted from:

Bro Ish, a young convert to Christianity from Sunni Islam, shares his testimony of how he came to faith in Christ. He was from a devout Sunni Muslim family and he often wondered why only Christians have a divine encounter with God but not Muslims. To get rid of his addictions and health issues he started praying both to the Father and Allah and he encountered the Holy Spirit. It changed his life, freed him from all addictions and healed him. He now preaches the Gospel to Muslims

#speakerscorner #islam #christianity


cross-posted from:

Dec 15, 2023 #danteinferno #demons #lakeoffire The Scariest and Most Intense Description of Hell You will ever Hear - R. Cook's Testimony #hell #supernatural #vision #danteinferno #demons #spiritual #testimony #lakeoffire

Ryan Cook gives a vividly intense detailed description of his 3 nights in Hell. He talks about seeing 7 sections of Hell and what each one represented.

You can reach Ryan at

Email me your miracle at [email protected]

[–] [email protected] -4 points 7 months ago (2 children)

Indeed Being gay isn’t a choice. And some want it different, and have experienced God changing them, and want to share it. Why would i cancel them?

[–] [email protected] -5 points 7 months ago (4 children)

i'm sorry, but she lived through it herself and shares things she feels is crucial. How is that hatespeech?


In deze aflevering spreekt Shohreh Feshtali met jurist Jeroen Pols. Jeroen is een jurist die zich jarenlang heeft verzet tegen onrecht en onwettige praktijken van de overheid aan de kaak stelt. Hij werd jarenlang beschuldigd van belastingfraude door de overheid. Na 4 jaar aan rechtszaken en een slopend proces is hij uiteindelijk vrijgesproken. Het is uiteindelijk bevestigd: hij is niet schuldig! Verder deelt Jeroen zijn visie over de huidige situatie in de wereld en wat zijn eigen plannen zijn. Hij geeft ook toelichting over de ontvangen donaties.

Link gesprek met Jeroen in “the Zi talk”

Veel kijkplezier!



[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

mustard seed size faith 😄

You don’t have enough faith,” Jesus told them. “I tell you the truth, if you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it would move. Nothing would be impossible.”(Matthew 17:20)


©️David Pawson Teaching Trust 2019

Bath City Church - December 2016

Free resources and a library of Davids teachings are available from

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

That ivermectin is a hazardous medicine..

It's actually donated by Merck since 1970's to African countries to fight river-blindness! The safety profile is well established and it's safe.


reposted from link

The Germanische Heilkunde is not a solution, it describes the origin and progression of all diseases. It cannot be patented because it is a law of nature. Anything that speaks against the laws of nature is false by definition.

What can be patented is an invention and not a discovery. The English language website can be found under

A short explaination of what it is all about can be viewed in this video


Agnostic MUFON researcher found out there are actually people who defended themselves against (often traumatic) alien abductions. But MUFON doesn't want to use their stories because it doesn't stroke with its own doctrine.🧐

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