[-] [email protected] 1 points 4 days ago

Unfortunately most rails are owned by those moving freight and they have right of way on their rails over transit trains. Every auto factory has rails connecting it so it is feasible with a little change and many suppliers are near the factories so light rail and bus service could feed those locations.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 4 days ago

I worked with a lot of people making close to 6 figures who only had a 2 year associates degree in controls traveling right along side of me. They made more than me with less education but more technical skill. It's also a job market that is growing like crazy; automation.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

I had a triple major of Psych/Soc/Phil with the intent of teaching. My focus in Philosophy was mostly logic and analytical reasoning. I ended up marrying my GF and had to quit college in my junior year and go to work where I ended up doing a lot of computer work on the IBM XT. One late night working on electronic bids for parts we sold I realized computers are not going anywhere and focusing on that would get me out of this sales job. I went to Control Data for a year which got me in the door of a company. Programming was nothing but logic which was my focus in college so it came pretty easy to me. That was 1989. I contracted to Ford for the next 30+ years doing everything from data analysis at the start to SQL and DB's for a while, and then I ended up on teams delivering software to the plants. I always wanted a job that would allow me to see the world and for over 20 years I traveled on the corporate dime, including an around the world trip for work in Asia and Europe on the same trip. I traveled almost 300k miles on planes during that time and had a chance to see how people live and work all over the world.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 4 days ago

IMO no comparison to a nice pair of sandals. My grandkids got me some with pins? or whatever they're called in them. They're like slippers around the house and about as comfie but walking they're not as nice as good sandals and driving in them is not great. However it is nice having an enclosed toe. If I had been wearing my sandals on a walk the other night when I caught a stick with the tip of the shoe it would have torn up my toe so they do offer more protection than an open toe sandal

[-] [email protected] 19 points 1 week ago

I've seen 3 major highways built around Detroit while I've lived here. There was very little choice among normal citizens who live in the line of "progress". 375 ruined some dynamic neighborhoods because those people lacked the power to force a change in the proposals. 696 spent significant additional money accommodating the citizens who had the power to modify the proposals. Highways make cities very unwalkable as well as taking space that could be better used

[-] [email protected] 49 points 1 month ago

My son has a Mazda 3 hatchback and is often bringing stuff to work sites because the guy with the big truck and the bed cover can't fit tall boxes in the bed

[-] [email protected] 20 points 2 months ago

I use hotel water for 2 things when I travel; showers and toilets. The 2 or 3 liters I drink is nothing compared to those. But I imagine Americans and others from areas where water isn't restricted take much longer showers and we have a habit of leaving the tap running while we do stuff like wash something or brush our teeth. That being said I'm heading to Barcelona in fall and I'll try to be mindful of my water usage

[-] [email protected] 16 points 3 months ago

The biggest problem I've had learning basic language skills is people talk back to you and they don't typically say what's in the learning material. I've kind of made it seem like I understand if I speak the language and I kind of feel like an idiot looking back at them with a blank face when they speak it back to me. But I sucked in school with languages and chose to learn a dead one to get the language credit to graduate.

[-] [email protected] 18 points 3 months ago

I was T-boned on my motorcycle. Like you, the driver had no malicious intent and I felt kind of bad for her as well because hitting someone is traumatic too. I tumbled about 60' down the road and spent half a day in the trauma unit in the hospital getting tests and images. Her insurance was not enough to cover all my medical. After about 6 months of care which hit around $200k her insurance was tapped out. I did sue her insurance company but there wasn't a lot there to get due to Michigan insurance laws. I didn't sue her but I did get what I could from insurance. She may be screwed trying to get car insurance in the future but I'll never walk normal again and may never be able to work in my field again. Don't leave yourself short. The future issues may be worse than expected.
My son had a similar accident to yours. His shoulder and elbow were pretty mashed up and he is pretty much back to normal now. Hopefully your recovery is as good as his was. Being young helps healing a lot.

[-] [email protected] 14 points 4 months ago

The best selling video game was all text with zero graphics; Zork.

[-] [email protected] 37 points 4 months ago

If I really wanted to keep it I wouldn't use glue I'd put part of a balloon or a finger from a glove on the spatula and force it back in. IMO any kitchen utensil that's 2 parts like this will always fail quickly. I believe that's a force fitting with ridges intended to keep it in so slightly enlarging the piece that goes in will recreate the tight fit

[-] [email protected] 15 points 4 months ago

Imagine being the copy that has to work while one does the family and one is traveling. The ethics of making a copy of myself that is for all purposes a slave would be really weird. Enslaving copies of myself, what a concept. Oh, also one needs to be kept on away for organ needs as I age or get hurt and one with a master copy in case the main "I" dies unexpectedly. yikes

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