
joined 11 months ago

I'm trying to make the headers view use a smaller font size than my default. At first, I thought I could just fiddle with text-scale-set and the hooks in mu4e-headers-mode-hook, but that doesn't seem to affect the header-line. I've tried also doing a face-remap for the header-line, but when I do it that way I can't then adjust the font size further. Any advice?


I want to be able to use outline-minor-mode to fold my use-package blocks at convenient points. Ideally, I want to be able to fold sections following :config, :init, :custom, etc. as well as definitions inside those blocks. The current value of outline-regexp when in emacs-lisp-mode is:

";;;;* [^ 	\n]\\|(\\|\\(^;;;###\\(\\([-[:alnum:]]+?\\)-\\)?\\(autoload\\)\\)"

I thought appending \\|[[:space:]]*:\\(init|config|custom\\) to this would work, but it doesn't. Any help would be much appreciated.

(I see there's a related post here, but I didn't find anything there that helped me.)