[-] [email protected] 2 points 3 days ago

When I had a dining room table I did that one time and earned anger.

Nowadays the only table big enough currently has a different project sprawled all over it because a part is on Back-Order, so I make due

[-] [email protected] 4 points 4 days ago

I never managed to land a job in the field but of the 4 interviews I ever got actually related to IT every single one mentioned that I was technically overqualified for these entry-level jobs despite never officially going to school or working in IT, one of them called and had the lead back-ens guy come and sit in since I was a potential fit for an entirely different and much higher up role

Of course that's probably the reason I was never hired over other options (as well as why I didn't get many interviews, who wants the guy with 0 education if the other 20 applicants do?) and so now every time I do IT work for home I just get super sad. It's taking a lot of therapy to undo that and it's not reeeeally working lol

[-] [email protected] 8 points 5 days ago

Sent this to my wife so our next SoT session is smoother

Me: square the sails, were sailing into the wind on a sloop damnit!

Her: what the what and why?

We're both pirate legends

(Also this is no longer the correct action as of the latest patch but still)

[-] [email protected] 1 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

Idk how common it is but where I used to work had a split system where for some reason the evaporator unit was also outside like a standard AC unit and then cold air was ducted in and pumped out of one of those boxes

The squareness of the duct made me think of that

[-] [email protected] 1 points 6 days ago

They said: anyone

That's very different from a specific complaint about factory farming and industrial ranching

[-] [email protected] 12 points 6 days ago

Pretty colors spin round make fun watch

[-] [email protected] 220 points 7 months ago

Legit, I've never heard of anti-competetive practices from Valve. Anti-consumer? Sometimes, yeah, though they do a lot more right than most

The argument seems to be that "30% cut is too high" but it's not like there aren't other options if you think that's too high. Epic loves to pay for games to be exclusive there, humble and gog exist, one could even go the retro route and set up their own website (though that's prolly the dumb idea), itch.io comes to mind...

If Valve HAS done some shady shit to ensure their major market share I'd be down to hear it, but to me as a PC gamer since '10ish (and had PC gamer friends since 06) it seems they got there through being a not complete garbage heap of a company that actually improved over the years on user feedback, which is supposed to be the good example of capitalism innit?

[-] [email protected] 66 points 8 months ago

Something this obvious should have a ratio of 9:0

[-] [email protected] 100 points 8 months ago

I mean, it's not

It's piracy, a different crime

A crime I love committing babyyyyyyyyyy

[-] [email protected] 67 points 9 months ago

Illness, no such thing

So the guy just isn't familiar with the property then, gotcha

[-] [email protected] 160 points 10 months ago

I'll believe they actually optimized their PC port when their PC ports start showing some signs of effort at being actual PC ports

No FOV slider after FO76 had one is, to me, a great sign of how little Bethesda actually cares about the platform that keeps them popular (thanks to mods)

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