
joined 1 year ago
[–] fruitycoder 2 points 2 months ago

Its amazing how many older people I've talked to that have said "where did you hear that, that's the first I'm hearing of it" for like major things. Like geopolitical decisions of the president, what Trump was actually convicted on, what reports actually say on the causes of inflation are, etc.

They watch tons of news, but honestly besides the headline, a spin, and how I should feel about I never got much from what they watch...

[–] fruitycoder 2 points 2 months ago

Listen I don't wanna just rag on you, because you came at me with bait and what feels like an a condescending attempt to sound smart.

Do you mind just explaining what you are thinking and we could just talk about it? Transformers are fucking awesome, fucking magmatsm and shit, tons of uses. I think there is some interesting discussion here if you actually want to have it.

[–] fruitycoder 1 points 2 months ago

Oh man no doubt, EVs, campers, boats, and some super scaler's get interesting with midscale DC, but trying to find codes of electricians that know about or the safety code for it is a challenge.

[–] fruitycoder 2 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

The calculator I used says for 48v with an acceptable drop of 3v at 50 amp (2400-2250 watts) would be a 0 (1/0) AWG or .82515cm diameter diameter wire to handle the current (oversized really but it's napkin math lol) for 30m.

[–] fruitycoder 0 points 2 months ago (6 children)

I'm a PD evangelist. Imagine a safer power delivery system that can go directly to the device you want powered. Scale that with fact most of the world could be and should be DC with AC being good just for niche applications like microwaves and mid range transmissions.

[–] fruitycoder 10 points 2 months ago

Right it begs the question.

Is me not receiving care or having access to care REALLY better for me?

If the answer can't clearly be yes, then they are just choosing to make me ill or kill me for their perceived interests.

[–] fruitycoder 1 points 2 months ago

Yes. Honestly just bought a chip so I can mess around with librebooting my laptop.

Its about harm reduction my man. Meth is bad on the heart but so is excessive grease. I'm going to just never use meth and cut down my excessive fat consumption where I can.

[–] fruitycoder 2 points 2 months ago

My literal dream. I've actually been looking at Edison Motors retrofit kit for hybrid diesel electric to try and revive a junker rather then selling two kidneys for the down payment on a truck I couldn't afford to get scratched.

[–] fruitycoder 1 points 2 months ago

And they ruin the truck market because they are happy to shell out stupid money to park in the suburbs

[–] fruitycoder 1 points 2 months ago

One reason I mentioned the steam decks FSR feature. Which is a really cool example of this to me. Of wise spread automatic modding making every game that can run on the system potentially better with no additional effort from the dev.

[–] fruitycoder 1 points 3 months ago (2 children)

You also have less ability to mod the games so you lose out on some of those features. For example doing is level FSR like the steam deck.

[–] fruitycoder 1 points 3 months ago (2 children)

Its about a third of the people I know. Stuff like Chewy help but then we can't buy it from the farmers co-op.

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